


Smoking in the boys room...

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MY LOVE IS MUSEicKeskiviikko 15.09.2010 23:01

my life is MUSIC
my soul is MUSE
my breath is Matthew Bellamy
my body is Hysteria
my nature is hyper MUSIC
my dream is Bliss
destiny is the Assassin
when I try to ESCAPE from all problems,
then I found Feeling Good,,
I realized it was my Invincible
I feel like a new born,
hopefully I did not overdue,,
often seen in the sky Starlight,,
maybe this is just STOCKHOLM syndrome,,
yes life is indeed unintended,,
Sunburn let all the earth imaginable...
It will be a showbiz for mankind,,
because we all UNO
occupying the Supermassive Black Hole,,
his beautiful Falling AWAY WITH YOU,,
never found again DARKSHINES
because this is only CITY OF Delusion,
, Hurry up HATE THIS & I'll LOVE YOU!
I do not want to get into the CAVE who long dark
I finally Falling DOWN,, I'm so ASHAMED with all this,
then I Crying Shame, whenever Easily is the love?
I'd like DEAD STAR for you,,
because I'm stuck IN YOUR WORLD illusory
but I sure will I pulled Glorious
when I turned into the Knights of CYDONIA
i love u endlessly
Time Is Running Out anyway.

(tää oli ihana <3 )

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