


Motherfucking Princess

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~R.I.P Ninja~Torstai 09.07.2015 16:48

R.I.P Ninja <3 9.7.2015 <3

Olit mitä suloisin ja hienoin pieni chinchilla-tyttönen! Aivan liian aikaisin, äkkiä ja arvaamatta lähdit pois, hyppelehtimään vihreämmille niityille. Tavatkaamme taas Sateenkaarisillan tuolla puolen, Ray ja Tiuku pitävät sinusta huolta siellä jossain <3 </3

Don't weep at my grave,
For I am not there,
I have a date with a butterfly
To dance in the air.
I'll be singing in the sunshine,
Wild and free
Playing tag with the wind
While I am waiting for thee.
- Author Unknown

Where I have gone I am not so small.
My soul is as wide as the world is tall.
I have gone to answer the call, the call
Of the One who takes care of us all.
Wherever you look, you will find me there-
In the heart of a rose,
In the heart of a prayer.
On butterflies' wings, on wings of my own,
To you, I'm gone,
But I'm never alone-
I am home

- Author Unknown

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