
30STM-testsKeskiviikko 30.01.2008 02:20

What Will The Guy's From 30 Seconds To Mars Think Of You?

Jared Leto Thinks Your .... He'll ask you to come with backstage and sing with him then you guys just start liking each other even more*LOVE*

Shannon Leto Thinks Your .... He jumps on your back and say's ride (Turned On Much?)

Matt Wachter Thinks Your ... He runs away cause you scare him to death

Tomo Milicevic Thinks Your ... He's very,very into you and asks you if you want to watch a movie backstage with them then you guy's are happy

As A Whole They Think... - 76%

Would They Want to Meet You Again? (8) - Signs point to yes. - (8)


~*Sleepover With 30 Seconds To Mars*~

What Tomo Will Do He will say your kickass and then cook you dinner

What Jared Will Do He will make out with you for hours and ask you to marry him

What Shannon Will Do He will think your cool and teach you how to play drums

What Tim Will Do He will challenge you to a karaoke contest

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