
My personal christmas giftTiistai 22.12.2009 16:28

My (not-so) faithful, dear computer decided to totally surprise me last sunday. What I thought was a beautiful relationship between a man and a machine, ended a bit harshly when my mate decided to say farewell. Spoiler: for now.

My hard drive burnt. I bet it had something to do with my lazyness in letting the comp sleep & making it work overtime every night... So that means minus 120-130 euros on my budget, for two new hard drives, sad ain't it?
On the brigther news: it's chrismas in (what?!) two days. I'll be going relativing (seeing & relatives, both in one nicely wrapped up verb) at friday and hopefully I won't get too many presents. All I want is some stone cold cash, nothing else plox. (Like anyone reading this would do anything with this knowledge)
Also at friday, my best mate will be coming to see me once again (Talk about long time - no see!) we'll be having a lot of fun with that guy & my Sweetheart. Really hope my Love can come to spend the new year's at my place, that would be so damn awesome.
After christmas I'll be going shopping at Ideapark. Depending on how much CASH I get from my relatives and such, I hope to buy some new clothes, those hard drives and some random shizz depending what I happen to see.
Also some new CDs, most notably Soilwork's "The Chainheart Machine" after which my Soilwork CD collection would be complete. Next up is In Flames, Moonsorrow, Kamelot etc.
Once again, thank yew again for... Pretty much everything, oh my sweet, lovely, beautiful, awesome, good-looking and awesomely god damn good-looking Sweetie. I've (we've?) had so great time together lately, well... We pretty much always had but yeah... My head is still spinning about last night...
I love yew dear, and always will.

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