Today, I am happy to announce to you, my fellas, that I and my beautiful girlfriend Meri have been together for a whole month.
After this first month I just can't help being insanely happy that I have found her, every time I see her I feel better instantenously.
To Meri:
Don't be afraid of your angsting and stuff, I am happy to listen to your problems and try, read: try to help you feel better.
I know I am not nearly the best at these kinds of things, in fact I suck when it comes to comforting you, that is the sole reason I'd thought you'd dumped me already. But you haven't, I wonder why.
I at least have no intentions nor any kind of desire to leaving you. In fact, I hardly want to even think about it. You are just so good and perfect for me.
I don't mind your frequent mood swings either, if you just are honest and don't act like everything is all fine and dandy if it really isn't, I'd be happy.
Meri & Niko
18.10.2009 --> still going.