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1TymTiistai 22.12.2009 02:36

Mul on alkanu taas se niin sanottu korealainen rap-kausi.

05. Without You
englannin käännös

Without your fragrance I can't rest
Without your breathing I can't sleep
Without your pretty eyes I can't see in front of myself
Without a word you went far away from me

If you reach out your hand I'll do it all over again
If you say a single word I will cry all over again
If you kiss me I can wake up again
But if you leave I won't be able to see you again

I hate to think of you with another man
I am waiting, believing that you will come back to me

You are still the only one for me (the only one)
I would die without you (without you)
I won't let you go
Tell me why, why baby
I won't need to give up much (give up much)
If you are just beside me
I just won't let you leave me
Tell me why,
Why I just can't live Without You

You and I will were together tonight
In all those letters which you wrote to me
Your smiling face in the photos
I look so forlorn without you

Those sad love songs which you enjoyed me singing
Those stars high in the sky which we gazed at together
Won't you come back to this heart of mine?
If it is really over I should forget about you
But I will still be waiting for you here

* Chorus (Repeat)

In my heart I hear your breath for a bit
It fills the empty spot which you left
Why did you leave so suddenly?
Sometimes that fills my thoughts
I don't hate you, rather I love you
My future is tied up in yours
I'm sure you'll come back
I know I'm a fool for feeling this way, but that's the way my heart is
I'm sincere about the way that I feel
White clouds will cover the sky
If I can just convey to you that I will always be waiting for you
This waiting is so tough
But no matter how tired I may be
My love for you will never end
Forever, until the next world...

* Chorus (Repeat)

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