


the Ghost in the Machine.

ahhTorstai 08.05.2008 00:54

What's the matter mommy?
What's the matter daddy?
Has mommy's little monster
Took another gun to class?

What's the matter mommy?
What's the matter daddy?
Has daddy's little angel
Grown up way too fast?

What's the matter mommy?
What's the matter daddy?
Is mommy's little monster
Giving you nightmares?

What's the matter mommy?
What's the matter daddy?
Has daddy's little angel
Become an object of despair?

Step 1 - I want you to bleed for me
Step 2 - I want you to kill for the thrill of it
Step 3 - I want you to love the taste of murder
Step 4 - I want you to die

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