


the Ghost in the Machine.

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 08.05.2008 03:03

Ja matalalentoo mä isken teikäläiseen mannaa, yhteiset hallusinaatiot nähdään on niin ihanaa. Narkkarirakkauttaa samaa lusikkaa kuumennetaa ja mikään ei kestä ja mikään ei pidä ja lupaukset on latinaa.

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 08.05.2008 01:43


ahhTorstai 08.05.2008 00:54

What's the matter mommy?
What's the matter daddy?
Has mommy's little monster
Took another gun to class?

What's the matter mommy?
What's the matter daddy?
Has daddy's little angel
Grown up way too fast?

What's the matter mommy?
What's the matter daddy?
Is mommy's little monster
Giving you nightmares?

What's the matter mommy?
What's the matter daddy?
Has daddy's little angel
Become an object of despair?

Step 1 - I want you to bleed for me
Step 2 - I want you to kill for the thrill of it
Step 3 - I want you to love the taste of murder
Step 4 - I want you to die

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 07.05.2008 13:30

Sinua on menneisyydessä kenties satutettu pahoin, sillä elämänkatsomuksesi on melko surumielinen. Et uskalla odottaa parasta, sillä pelkäät, että joudut pettymään. Anna iloisen puolesi hengittää vapaasti, sillä muuten positiiviset ihmistyypit saattavat kaikota ympäriltäsi. Voisit oppia heiltä paljon!

Sinua kuvaava runo:


on halu jättää tämä

kurja maailma.

Vain keskiyön kuutamo,

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 07.05.2008 03:13

sori, ny en vaa jaksa enää

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 06.05.2008 14:21

Bawitdaba da bang a dang diggy diggy diggy said the boogy said up jump the
boogy (6x)

My name is KIIIIIIIID, Kid Rock

Bawitdaba da bang a dang diggy diggy diggy said the boogy said up jump the

And this is for the questions that don't have any answers
The midnight glancers and the topless dancers
The candid freaks, cars packed with speakers
The G's with the forties and the chicks with beepers
The Northern Lights and the Southern Comfort
And it don't even matter if the veins are punctured
All the crack heads, the critics, the cynics
And all my heroes at the Methadone Clinic
All you bastards at the IRS
For the crooked cops and the cluttered desks
For the shots of Jack and the caps of meth
Half pints of love and the fists of stress
For the hookers all tricking out in Hollywood
And for my hoods of the world misunderstood
I said it's all good and it's all in fun
Now get in the pit and try to love someone

Bawitdaba da bang a dang diggy diggy diggy said the boogy said up jump the boogy (4x)

For the time bombs ticking and the heads that hang
All the gangs getting money and the heads that bang bang
Wild mustangs and porno flicks
All my homies in the county in cell block six
The grits when there ain't enough eggs to cook
And for DB Cooper and the money he took
You can look for answers but that ain't fun
Now get in the bed and try to love someone


Bawitdaba da bang a dang diggy diggy diggy said the boogy said up jump the boogy

For the love, and for the hate
And for the peace.... WARRRRRRRRRRRR

Bawitdaba da bang a dang diggy diggy diggy said the boogy said up jump the boogy

TADAA!Maanantai 05.05.2008 23:25