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Baby, u know that I miss u
I wanna get with u
Tonight but I can't now baby girl
And that's the issue
Girl u know I miss u
I just wanna kiss u
But I can't right now so baby
Kiss me through the phone
(Ill see u later on)
Kiss me through the phone
(See ya when I get home)

Im on the road again
Im so alone again
I keep on tossing and turning
And missing you again
Computer dead again
My phone is gone again
I keep on looking and looking so I can call you when
Talk to you
And tell you how much I miss you baby
I miss you
I miss you
I really wanna kiss you but I cant
Oh Ohh

Baby, u know that I miss u
I wanna get with u
Tonight but I can't now baby girl
And that's the issue
Girl u know I miss u
I just wanna kiss u
But I can't right now so baby
Kiss me through the phone
(Ill see u later on)
Kiss me through the phone
(See ya when I get home)

Da x36

(Kiss me through the phone)
And I will kiss you back baby
(See ya later on)
Ill sees you later on my baby
(Kiss you through the phone)
I kiss you back baby
(See ya when I get home)
I really wanna kiss you but I cant

Baby, u know that I miss u
I wanna get with u
Tonight but I can't now baby girl
And that's the issue
Girl u know I miss u
I just wanna kiss u
But I can't right now so baby
Kiss me through the phone
(Ill see u later on)
Kiss me through the phone
(See ya when I get home)

Baby, u know that I miss u
I wanna get with u
Tonight but I can't now baby girl
And that's the issue
Girl u know I miss u
I just wanna kiss u
But I can't right now so baby
Kiss me through the phone
(Ill see u later on)
Kiss me through the phone
(See ya when I get home)

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