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> = mä
- = (nimeltä mainitsematon henkilö)

> Bahamut x Tidus is like TOTALLY my OTP! XDDD

- Blasphemy! Sora x King Triton x Xigbar is the way to go.

> actually... the correct way would be: King Triton x Sora x Xigbar (seme x uke x seme)
and Bahamut x Tidus FTW! :DDD

- Xigbar's the manbitch in that shipping.

> not possible if Sora's in it

- Sora is the chosen wielder of the keyblade - only he can "seal the keyhole" if you know what I mean.

> Yeah, I know but Sora never tops. It just doesn't work that way...

- Oh, come on! Sora even kicks Xigbar's ass in the game.

> You have a point there... But I still can't see Sora topping anyone (except the girls.. but he doesn't swing that way >:D)

- OBJECTION! He was totally straight in Chain of Memories. D= And how can Sora NOT be in top with all the cheesy keyhole jokes you can make that way? =(

> Sora was never straight! Namine just manipulated Sora's memories so that he'd think he was straight (which he is not!)
And Sora doesn't top because of his personality.. I mean, seriously! Someone as dense as Sora has no chance of topping! And besides, Sora's eyes make him look totally rapeable XDD (don't ask..)

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