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Tylsyys iski jälleenKeskiviikko 28.04.2010 23:16

Featherweight Questions
[x] I know what anime and manga are.
[x] I've seen anime on Cartoon Network.
[x] I've seen some of Hayao Miyazaki's movies and liked them.
[x] I know the difference between anime and manga.
[x] I own at least one anime DVD.
[x] I can find Japan on a map.
[x] I can name at least two characters from an anime series.
[x] I can recount the plot of at least one anime storyline when asked.
[x] I prefer anime-styled artwork over western-styled artwork.
[x] I know a few words in Japanese, like "Konnichi-wa" and "Sayonara."
[x] I've seen a show where a major city explodes in a mushroom cloud.
[x] I've seen a show with at least one giant robot in it.
Score: 12

Middleweight Questions
[x] I own more than two anime DVDs.
[x] I have been to an anime convention.
[x] I have at least one anime poster on my wall.
[x] I generally prefer my anime with subtitles, not dubbed voices.
[ ] I have been to Japan.
[x] I can name over a dozen Naruto characters.
[x] I can name over a dozen InuYasha characters.
[x] I enjoy music from anime series.
[x] I own one or more manga books or magazines.
[ ] I say "ne?" a lot.
[x] I have rented an anime DVD before.
[x] I have drawn an anime or manga character before.
Score: 10

Heavyweight Questions
[ ] I own two or more complete series on DVD.
[x] I have been to at least one anime convention dressed as a character from an anime series.
[ ] I own a real, touchable, full-size version of a weapon from an anime series.
[x] I violently refuse to watch anime that has been dubbed in another language.
[ ] I visit Japan regularly.
[ ] I can name over a hundred Naruto characters.
[x] I draw manga for fun.
[ ] I listen to nothing but music from anime series and bands that have played for anime series.
[ ] I can name everything Megumi has ever done.
[ ] I subscribe to Shounen Jump.
[x] I say "ne?" only when it's appropriate in a sentence.
[ ] I consider the English-dubbed Sailor Moon to be a travesty of justice.
[x] I will willingly tolerate five-frames-per-second animation if the story's good.
Score: 5

Hardcore Questions
[ ] I own every anime DVD ever made.
[ ] I never wear anything except anime characters' uniforms.
[ ] I can quote extensive passages verbatim from the last two episodes of Neon Genesis Evangelion.
[ ] I am desperately in love with Parn, Deedlit, Spike, Faye, Belldandy, or Tenchi.
[ ] I refuse to visit Chicago because a visit might damage what I learned of it in Gunsmith Cats.
[x] I am convinced the world will be destroyed by either aliens or nuclear bombs or both.
[ ] I named at least one of my children for an anime character.
[ ] I would rather watch the English-dubbed Sailor Moon than a show with live-action human beings.
[ ] I am fully fluent in Japanese and need neither subtitles nor dubs.
[ ] I moved to Japan.
[ ] I'm a published mangaka.
[ ] I am a seiyuu.
[ ] I am an anime character --- now where'd my giant robot battlesuit go?
Score: 1

Your score: 27

1 to 10 points: Yowai. You could probably stand to watch some more anime; it won't bite.

11 to 20 points: Ii desu! You have a healthy love for a wonderful storytelling genre.

21 to 30 points: Sugoi! You're an solid anime fan and you know it.

31 to 40 points: Subarashii! Just remember to leave your house every once in a while, okay?

41 to 50 points: You're past the point of no return, but at least Haruhi has blessed you

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