
Tagged.Lauantai 27.12.2008 00:26

Sinut on haastettu vaativaan tehtävään, mutta sen takia saat selkeät ohjeet. Noudata niitä tarkkaan.

1. Aseta itsellesi tavoite vuodelle 2009. Se voi käsitellä mitä tahansa ja liittyä mihin tahansa. Se voi olla ihan aivoton tai sitten oikeasti järkevä. Vaikka "hankin itselleni hyvän numeron matikasta". Ihan _mikä_ tahansa käy.
2. Aikaa sinulla on miettiä tavoitettasi tämän kuun loppuun. Jos asetat tavoitteesi vasta vuonna 2009, olet jo myöhässä. Muista varata aikaa!
3. Haasta ystäviäsi tekemään tämä. Määrällä ei ole väliä. Haastat vain jokaisen, jonka tahdot. Enemmänkin!

Käyn kampaajalla! D8<

en jaksa 8<


How much of your teenage life have you "messed up?"

[ ] gotten kissed
[x] gotten a phone taken away in class
[ ] gotten suspended
[x] gotten caught chewing gum
[ ] gotten caught cheating on a test
Total So Far: 2

[x] arrived late to class more than 5 times
[x] didn't do homework over 5 times
[ ] turned at least 3 projects in late.
[ ] missed school just because you felt like it
[ ] laughed so loud you got kicked out of class
Total So Far: 4

[x] got your mom, dad, etc to get you out of school
[x] text people during class
[x] passed notes
[x] threw stuff across the room
[x] laughed at the teacher
Total So Far: 9

[x] been in a fight at school, fist or verbal
[x] took pictures during school hours
[x] called someone during school hours
[x] listened to iPod, CD, etc during school hours
[ ] skipped a class period
Total So Far: 13

[ ] threw something at the teacher
[ ] went outside the classroom without permission
[ ] broke the dress code
[ ] failed a class
[x] ate food during class
Total So Far: 14

[ ] gotten a call from school
[ ] couldn't go on a field trip cause you behaved badly
[x] didn't take your stuff to school
[ ] given a teacher the finger when they weren't looking
[ ] curse during class/school
Total So Far: 15

[ ] faked your parents signature
[ ] slept in class
[ ] cursed at your teacher
[x] copied homework
[ ] got in trouble with the principal
Total So Far: 16

Multiply by 3
grand total: 48

48 %

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