


You're handball lemonhead :D

Osio: Leffoista vuorosanoja<3Sunnuntai 14.12.2008 21:28

Shane Gray: I don't want to waste my summer at some camp! I'm Shane Gray for crying out loud!
Nate: Hey man we used to love this place. Three years ago we were campers.
Jason: Yeah man, this is where Connect 3... connected!
Nate: [shakes his head] And you get to see our Uncle Brown.
Shane Gray: Ha!
[rolls his eyes]
Shane Gray: Not a selling point.
Nate: Look man, right now you're that bad boy to the press, and the label has a problem with that, which means, we have a problem with that.
Jason: Actually, I don't really have a problem with that.
[Nate glares at him]
Jason: We have a problem with that!
Nate: This camp thing is supposed to fix it, it's great PR. So do your time, enjoy the fresh air...
[sniffs in]
Nate: ... get a tan...
Jason: Oh, and can you make me a birdhouse or something?
Shane Gray: [scoffs at Jason] One word. Payback!
Jason: That's two words!

[Camp Rock]

Teacher: Oh, and Mr. Larkin, perhaps you'd like to share with the rest of the class, Patrick Henry's immortal last words?
Link Larkin: Kiss my ass?


A.J.: Have you ever heard of Evel Knievel?
Lev Andropov: No, I never saw Star Wars.


Harry Stamper: Houston, you have a problem. You see, I promised my little girl that I'd be comin' home. Now I don't know what you people are doing down there, but we've got a hole to dig up here!


Lev Andropov: It's stuck, yes?
Watts: Back off! You don't know the components!
Lev Andropov: [annoyed] Components. American components, Russian Components, ALL MADE IN TAIWAN!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY V!!! Sunnuntai 14.12.2008 20:58

Happy 20th birthday Nessa!!

Luv ya!

Instant star<3Keskiviikko 05.11.2008 01:17

Jude Harrison: Can you just promise me one thing? Until then, if the door in there is ever locked -
Tommy Quincy: I'll just kick it down.

Spiederman: Dude, you killed him?
Tommy Quincy: Look, man, he came in screaming, alright? He said I stole his stuff! And then he came at me and struggled with the gun, and then - D, I forgot... What happened next?
Darius Mills: You shot me, T.
Tommy Quincy: That's right, I shot him.

Jamie Andrews: What was on that tape?
Kyle: Just a couple of badgers mating.
Spiederman: And you had that tape in your car, because?
Spiederman: [Kyle looks away] Good.

Sadie Harrison: What if I told you that made your butt look big?
Jude Harrison: Then there's just more of me to love.

Jude Harrison: Doing it alone in the alley? That's the first sign of addiction, Quincy.
Tommy Quincy: I can stop any time I want.
[Tommy offers Jude the red licorice he's eating]
Tommy Quincy: Come on. The first taste's always free.

Parhaita kouluhetkiä!Tiistai 21.10.2008 22:57

Kaikkihan alkoi siitä kun Olgalla oli rahaa, muttei tarpeeksi. Olga halusi todella paljon Coca-Colaa, mutta kun rahaa ei ollut, niin ei voinut Olga mennä limukoneelle ostamaan Coca-Colaansa. Mutta ei siinä vielä kaikki! Kiltti ja ystävällinen Salli lainasi 70 senttiä. Pian Olga menikin jo limukoneen luokse.

Kun Olga pian saapui takaisin Sallin ja Vivin luokse, oli hänellä mukanaan juuri limukoneesta ostettu ja viileä Coca-Cola. Eikä se ollut mikään diettikola! No Cola ei kuitenkaan ollut mikään tavallinen cola, vaan siinä oli jotain ylimääräistä. Olga otti ensimmäisen kulauksen ja sanoi; "Pian mä sekoon!" Eikä aikaakaan kun Olga sekosi. Seuraavaksi Salli otti hörpyn. Pian hänkin sekosi.

Salli ja Olga sekoilivat yhdessä koulun sohvilla, kun yhtäkkiä he kuulivat Vivin. Vivi oli ollut rauhallinen koko välitunnin, kunnes hän totesi että Salli ja Olga olivat sekoilleet liikaa yhdessä. Niin Vivi sanoi;
"Mäkin otan kohta tota kokista"


Tapahtuma-aika! 21.10.2008 klo 12.00
Tapahtuma-paikka! Koulun sohvat

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 09.09.2008 02:36

How Strong Do You Think I Am?

Miki: - Olympia tasoa
Te muut: ?

Jump In!Tiistai 05.08.2008 01:34

Kenneth Daniels: "How was your day?"
Karin Daniels:" I had a fight with my boyfriend."
Kenneth Daniels: [spits out his food] "Boyfriend?"
Karin Daniels: "Hello, Daddy, I'm like, eight!"

She's The ManTiistai 05.08.2008 01:21

"Be not afraid of greatness, some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them."

Justin: "Could you be a girl for just 5 seconds"
Viola: "Ok... First of all it's not a stupid soccer issue and... you're a jerk. Oh look at that, times up."

The Veronicas - 4everMaanantai 04.08.2008 00:33

Here we are so what you gonna do?
Do I gotta spell it out for you?
I can see that you got other plans for tonight
But I don't really care

Size me up you know I beat the best
Tick tock no time to rest
Let them say what their gonna say
But tonight I just don't really care

Come on baby we ain't gonna live 4ever
Let me show you all the things that we could do
You know you wanna be together
And I wanna spend the night with you
Yeah, yeah with you, yeah, yeah
Come with me tonight
We could make the night last 4ever

I've seen it all I've got nothing to prove
Come on baby just make your move
Follow me lets leave it all behind tonight
Like we just don't care

Let me take you on the ride of your life
That's what I said alright
They can say what they wanna say
Cause tonight I just don't even care

Come on baby we ain't gonna live 4ever
Let me show you all the things that we could do
You know you wanna be together
And I wanna spend the night with you
Yeah, yeah with you yeah, yeah
Come with me tonight
We could make the night last 4ever

Lets pretend you're mine
We could just pretend, we could just pretend, yeah yeah
You got what I like
You got what I like, I got what you like
Oh come on
Just one taste and you'll want more

So tell me what your waiting for

Come on baby we ain't gonna live 4ever
Let me show you all the things that we could do
You know you wanna be together
And I wanna spend the night with you
Yeah, yeah, with you, yeah, yeah
So come with me tonight
We could make the night last 4ever

Come on baby we ain't gonna live 4ever
Let me show you all the things that we could do
You know you wanna be together
And I wanna spend the night with you
Yeah, yeah with you, yeah, yeah
Come with me tonight
We could make the night last 4ever

Viikonloppuni mun!Sunnuntai 20.07.2008 23:21

Aaaah! Maailman paras viikonloppu!

Lauantaina oli kaunis päivä olla purjehtimassa faijan veneellä ja kärventää polvet sen kannella. Myös haba hieman joutui koetukselle kun kruisailimme hienosti melkein tyynellä merellä.

Tänään taas on ollut niin rönttö päivä kun vain voi. Rauhallisuus ennen kaikkea kun ei ole mihinkään kiire!

Huomenna sitten taas aikainen herätys ja töihin!

Viikonloppu on parasta viikossa.

Miksi ?Tiistai 01.07.2008 21:21

Miks elämän pitää mennä taas päin vittua kun kaikki on hyvin ?