


You're handball lemonhead :D

Osio: Leffoista vuorosanoja<3Sunnuntai 14.12.2008 21:28

Shane Gray: I don't want to waste my summer at some camp! I'm Shane Gray for crying out loud!
Nate: Hey man we used to love this place. Three years ago we were campers.
Jason: Yeah man, this is where Connect 3... connected!
Nate: [shakes his head] And you get to see our Uncle Brown.
Shane Gray: Ha!
[rolls his eyes]
Shane Gray: Not a selling point.
Nate: Look man, right now you're that bad boy to the press, and the label has a problem with that, which means, we have a problem with that.
Jason: Actually, I don't really have a problem with that.
[Nate glares at him]
Jason: We have a problem with that!
Nate: This camp thing is supposed to fix it, it's great PR. So do your time, enjoy the fresh air...
[sniffs in]
Nate: ... get a tan...
Jason: Oh, and can you make me a birdhouse or something?
Shane Gray: [scoffs at Jason] One word. Payback!
Jason: That's two words!

[Camp Rock]

Teacher: Oh, and Mr. Larkin, perhaps you'd like to share with the rest of the class, Patrick Henry's immortal last words?
Link Larkin: Kiss my ass?


A.J.: Have you ever heard of Evel Knievel?
Lev Andropov: No, I never saw Star Wars.


Harry Stamper: Houston, you have a problem. You see, I promised my little girl that I'd be comin' home. Now I don't know what you people are doing down there, but we've got a hole to dig up here!


Lev Andropov: It's stuck, yes?
Watts: Back off! You don't know the components!
Lev Andropov: [annoyed] Components. American components, Russian Components, ALL MADE IN TAIWAN!


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