-> If you argue with him, you're looking for a fight.
If you're quiet, you don't care.
-> If you call him, you're too clingy.
If he calls you, he says you should be happy
-> If you don't love him, he'll try to win you.
When you do love him, he leaves.
-> If you don't fuck him, you're a tease.
If you do, you're easy or a slut <<< For real !!
-> You tell him your problems he says you're irritating.
If you don't, he says you don't trust him.
-> If you lecture him, you just want to argue.
If he lectures you, its because he 'cares'.
-> If you break a promise, he doesn't trust you anymore.
If he breaks it, its because he had to.
-> If you cheat, he expects it to be over.
If he cheats, he wants another chance