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School = real mental torture! T__TTiistai 20.01.2009 20:36

[21.1] -HAPPY B-DAY SOFIA <3^^. Psychology: write an essay, at least 3 pages. German; read and do the exercises. Physics: do the 5 tasks. Economics; read the friggin boring paper. Maths; Practice to the test.
[22.1] -English; Do the CV. Psychology; Presentation .__.'' and read to the test.
[23.1] -TEST WEEK STARTS. Maths; test. Physics: read to the test. Psychology; read to the test.
[24.1] -Yay, weekend=freedom....NOT. Work and read to physics test.
[25.1] -Read to physics and wooork >.<
[26.1] -Psychology; test. After school: read to physics and economics tests.
[27.1] -Physics: test. After school: read to english and economics test
[28.1] -Economics; test. After school: read to english and german test.
[29.1] -HAPPY B-DAY JONATAN<33^^. English; test. After school: read to german test.
[30.1] -German: Test.
[31.1-...] ~Test week's over, pheeew! >.<~

This is ''wooooonderful'', isn't it? >______<''

Linh says: I wanna meet hiiiim ^___^
Sofia says: coughPLAYERcough!
Linh says: what did you say?! -___-''
Sofia says: i didn't say anything XDD
Linh says: I'm not a player!! >.<
Sofia says: Yeeees you are! You're gonna meet him, player meets a player ---> doubleplayer! JACKPOT XDD:D
Linh: >_____<''

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