
Uusimmat blogimerkinnät

Selaa blogimerkintöjä

sannaltaSunnuntai 25.02.2007 19:24

[x] I have My Chemical Romance posters on my wall.
[ ] I am My Chemical Romance's biggest fan.
[x] I visit their myspace frequently.
[x] I got autographs from them.
[ ] I would do anything to meet them.
[ ] I have a My Chemical Romance desktop.
[x] I know lots of people that don't like them.
[x] All/most of my friends like them.
[x] I have been to a My Chemical Romance concert.
[ ] I don't like My Chemical Romance.
[x] I have liked them for more than 1 year.
[x(maybe)] I have liked them for more than 2 years.
[ ] I just found out about them.
[x] I own a My Chemical Romance shirt.
[ ] I own a Skeleton Crew shirt.
[x] I own a My Chemical Romance action figure.
[ ] I own all of the MCR action figures.

1. What is your favorite Bullets song?
early sunsets over monroeville

2. What is your favorite Three Cheers song?
you know what they do to guys like us in prison

3. What is your favorite MCR song not on either cd?
desert song

4. What would be a good name for their next album?
birds and butterflys xD don't know really..

5. Have you ever left your state to see a MCR concert?

6. Favorite song MCR has covered?
under pressure

7. What records of My Chemical Romance do you own?
bullets, revenge & black parade

8. How many pictures of MCR are on your walls?
something like 12

9. Do you buy magazines just because you see MCR on the cover?

10. Does your dad play MCR songs on his guitar?

11. Does your mother hate MCR?

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