



<3Lauantai 29.12.2007 00:27

Let me sleep, for when I sleep I dream that you are here,
you're mine, and all my fears are left behind.

I float on air.
The nightingale sings gentle lullabies.

So let me close my eyes and sleep,
give a chance to dream, so I can see the face I long to touch, to kiss.
But only dreams can bring me this.

So let the moon shine softly on the boy I long to see,
and maybe when he dreams, he'll dream of me.

I hide beneath the clouds and whisper to the evening stars.
They tell me love is just a dream away, dream away.

I'll dream away...

So let the moon shine softly on the boy I long to see,
and maybe when he dreams, he'll dream of me.

Dream of me..

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