


"I will never be with you, it's true."

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[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 11.02.2011 02:07

Once I got to be with you, once I was happy, but I no longer can be. Yes, I have my friends, but I don't have you. I need you, but you don't need me. It's wrong, so wrong. Perhaps the only way facilitate the bad feeling is to drink myself drunk, and take the pills. You rip my heart apart, and nothing else on it, but despite everything, I still love you.

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 06.07.2010 05:46

HYIHYIHYIHYIHYI! Kauheeta! ;o Ötökät tekee hyökkäyksen sisälle. Yhhyhyy.. Ammun ne vittu perseesee takas. ;<< En jaksa ees sulkee parvekkeen ovee. Äskenki yks ötökkä lens toho näyttöö. ;o Hyi. Sil oli muute iso perse..

...Tiistai 04.05.2010 01:02

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