


I have to admit it's getting better
Det börjar närma sej vår allas käraste högtid, så nu är det dags för lite musik för att få oss i rätt stämning!!! Låten är The Killers förra årets julsingle, Don't Shoot Me Santa. En intressant fakta är dessutom att låten kom med på förra Volts nomination av världens fyra bästa julsånger.

Videon är kul, värd att ses på.

Oh Santa
I've been waiting on you
That's funny kid
Because I've been coming for you
Oh Santa
I've been killing just for fun
Well the party's over kid
Because I
Because I got a bullet in my gun
A bullet in your what?

Santa's got a bullet in his gun
You know it, Santa's got a bullet in his gun

Don't shoot me Santa Claus
I've been a clean living boy
I promise you
Did every little thing you asked me to
I can't believe the things I'm going through

Don't shoot me Santa Claus
Well no one else around believes me
But the children on the block they tease me
I couldn’t let them off that easy

Oh Santa
It's been a real hard year
There just ain't no gettin' around this
Life is hard
But look at me
I turned out alright
Hey Santa
Why don't we talk about it?
Work it out
Believe me
This ain't what I wanted
I love all you kids, you know that
Hell, I remember when you were just 10 years old
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Playing out there in the desert
Just waiting for a sip of that sweet Mojave rain
In the sweet Mojave rain
The boy was on his own

Don't shoot me Santa Claus
I've been a clean living boy
I promise you
Did every little thing you asked me to
I can't believe the things I'm going through

Hey Santa Claus
Well no one else around believes me
But the children on the block they tease me
I couldn’t let them off that easy

They had it coming
So why can’t you see?
I couldn't turn my cheek no longer
The sun is going down and Christmas is near
Just look the other way and I’ll disappear forever


Don't shoot me Santa Claus
Well no one else around believes me
But the children on the street they tease me
I couldn't let them off that easy

Believe me

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