


I have to admit it's getting better

Is It In My Head?Keskiviikko 30.05.2007 23:20

I see a man without a problem.
I see a country always starve.
I hear the music of a heartbeat.
I walk, and the people turn and laugh!

Is it in my head?
Is it in my head?
Is it in my head, here at the start?
Is it in my head?
Is it in my head?
Is it in my head, or in my heart?

I pick up phones and hear my history.
I dream of all the calls i missed.
I try to number those who love me.
Find out exactly what the trouble is!

Is it in my head?
Is it in my head?
Is it in my head, here at the start?
Is it in my head?
Is it in my head?
Is it in my head, or in my heart?

I feel like i'm being followed.
My head is empty.
Yet every word i say, turns out a sentence!
Statements to a stranger
just asking for directions
turn from being help
to being questions!

I see a man without a problem.

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