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o_oTorstai 17.01.2008 10:01

On January 10, 2008, a representative for Panic At The Disco stated that Panic(!) At The Disco have now officially dropped the '!' after 'Panic' and will now be known as Panic At The Disco.

Brendon Urie and Ryan Ross of Panic confirmed this in a recent Honda Civic Tour interview with Their new album, Pretty. Odd., release date set for March 25th, has punctuation in the title and PATD believe that if they left the '!' the way it is, then there would be too much punctuation.

Ryan Ross says of the change: "Honestly, think about this: If we had left the exclamation point it would have been a little too much punctuation...So we just traded in the exclamation point in for a couple periods." Brendon Urie adds: "Yeah, we didn't wanna overload the people with, you know, too many punctuation marks..."

"It'd be too hard to read," puts in Ross. "Yeah, where does the sentence start, when does it end? You know, when is it really done, what does that mean?" concludes Urie.

Panic At The Disco will be playing some new material off their new album live on this year's annual Honda Civic Tour, which they are headlining. Tour starts April 10 in San Francisco and ends June 14 in Anaheim.

ömg mibbasta pöllin

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