


SEURAAVAT KEIKAT: la 4.10. The Water Rats, London (UK) [k18] - pe 17.10. Down by the Simojoki, Simo [-S-]

Let Me BreatheLauantai 06.08.2011 20:35

Let Me Breathe

Sunday morning
Was I supposed to be somewhere?
The sun is up but you're still sleeping

Sunday morning
Been on the run, all week long
There's not a chance I'm going to make it

You're screaming
I'm shouting
No, just let it go

Let me breathe
At my own pace
And you'll see that I will be there

Let me breathe
And take my space
'Cos everything is, everything's OK
If you let me breathe

Without warning
You're taking it all out on me
Feels like it's a war zone out here

Without warning
I'm responsible for everything
At least if they're asking you, dear

You're screaming
I'm shouting

Let me breathe
At my own pace
And you'll see that I will be there

Let me breathe
And take my space
'Cos everything is, everything's OK
If you let me breathe

Joku kyseli sanoja ni nyt löytyy :) Käykää tsekkaamassa muihinki biiseihin YouTube-videoiden kuvauksista!

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