


SEURAAVAT KEIKAT: la 4.10. The Water Rats, London (UK) [k18] - pe 17.10. Down by the Simojoki, Simo [-S-]

2 People 2 PlacesMaanantai 08.08.2011 13:31

2 People 2 Places

I feel now kind of or maybe, hell, I don't know
Two people, two places seems so impossible
Don't want you to go

Before you go
I want to know
Will you be there
Right next to me

I need to know
Before you go
That you'll return by my, my side

One plus one equates our luck
Rip the paper apart and the numbers just won't add up
No they don't...
'Cos they're not close enough

Before you go
I want to know
Will you be there
Right next to me

I need to know
Before you go
That you'll stand by my side

Biisien sanat YouTubessa

Vielä vajaa 20 mahtuis viiden levyn arvontaan Facebookissa ennen ku tuhat paukkuu! Tykkää Facebookissa niin oot mukana levyarvonnassa :)

Ja muistakaa keskiviikkona ilmainen ja ikärajaton Jengipolkufest Pihlajamäen Nuorisopuistossa. Mukana myös Santa Cruz, Caroline ja vaikka mitä!
MadCraft @ Jengipolkufest ke 10.8.

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