


All of them rusty old volvos <3

No one...<33Keskiviikko 02.12.2009 00:03

There are like so many things I want to tell,
So many things I want to explain,
So many words I want to use,
So many fights I want to solve.

U'r not the one be'ing selfish, we are,
U'r not the one to start fights, we are,
U'r not the one to solve ur own problems, we are,
Just think about me, So we could be a single one thing, Love.

I just love u the way u are,
the way u look and talk,
the way u see things in another way,
and the way u see the future.

Eanyone can't change u inside, u r what u r,
Eanyone can't change ur feelings,
Eanyone can't change ur needings,
Ur dreams and wishes,
Ur unexpected hugs and kisses.

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