



The High JackTorstai 10.01.2008 00:38

yo homeboy, pass me dat
Yo, this is the song i wrote for the girl I love.
Her name, Mary Jane

Now you can do snow or get wet as the rain
Me man I got jane in my brain
Of course I kick doors for white horse
But my wife mary-jane I never get divorced
Cause she be tha only one fit for a playa
The green eyes and the pretty red hair
The hoes sick cause them jelous bitches wanna
Vyla coma vana Mariajuana
You was born in Mexico but I took the chance
And brought your ass across to the promise lands
I love to lay you down so soft in my swisha
act like a freak and let all my niggaz hit ya
I got your picture on all my walls
mama caught us kissin wanna call the laws
My family thinks you nothin but trouble
Cant see how you helped me through the struggle

Mary-go-round round and round
Oh let the mary-go-round
pass the sweet

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