


Irony in it's purest form.

\,,/Tiistai 03.11.2009 00:13

Let me bring you down real easy
You've got no room left to run
So you preach over me like I will never know
Go on if they want you to
Just for your piece of mind
I've got no fucking shame
And I will laugh before you die

Wonder, wonder why you wonder
Looking for me - never seen
What the fuck
Can't be your servant
And you just let me be
They got too far
So my hands out for me,
For beating
Let me out
To the fact that I don't care
Your buried fact, your buried pair

Take me away
Anyway, that's overwith
Don't care, I don't care which way
Trust me I say -
I won't crash
I will never trust
Done with everything, die for nothing

I'm done with you!!

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