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Still standing<333Sunnuntai 15.04.2007 21:05

I wish you were here
with me
to see the northern lights.
I wish you were here tonight with me.

I wish I could have
you by my side
tonight when
the skie is burning.
I wish I could have you
by my side.

Cause I've been
And I've been cravling
Won't back down
No more.

Can't you stop the lies
Falling from the skies.
Down on me
I'm still standing
Can't you roll the dice
I might be surprised.
Consience clear
I'm still standing here

Burns like a thousand stars
Though you are
light years away
Burns like a thousand stars
or more.

Cause you're up there
You're always with me
Smiling down on me.

Can't you stop the lies
Falling from the skies.
Down on me
I'm still standing
Can't you roll the dice
I might be surprised.
Consience clear
I'm still standing here

Something sacred
something so beautiful..
something quiet
to ease my mind.
when the pressures are taking me over and over.

Cause I've been down
and I've been cravling
Pushed around
and always falling.
You're up there
You're always with me
Smiling down
on me...

Can't you stop the lies
Falling from the skies.
Down on me
I'm still standing
Can't you roll the dice
I might be surprised.
Consience clear
I'm still standing here....

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