
to DadLauantai 10.10.2009 07:45

already wishing i was with you there... where-ever you are!

nicked off Mira ...Tiistai 06.10.2009 17:19

01 Nimet, joilla sinut tunnetaan? - David mostly, but sometimes Nick... prefer Nick because David means 'beloved' and i'm nobody's beloved...
02 Neljä asiaa ylläsi? - pair of spectacle arms, spectacle frames, left lens and right lens
03 Seurusteletko? - sadly, no...
04 Oletko ikinä saanut ruusuja? - not that i remember ...
05 Oletko ikinä nuollut jalkaasi? - no! (Mira ... if you can lick your feet, you need physiotherapy! ;) )
06 Oletko ollut rakastunut? - at least once or twice ... never works out so why do i bother doing it?
07 Uskotko, että jokaiselle on sielunkumppani? - used to think so but not anymore....
08 Ongelmasi juuri nyt? - bit anxious
09 Onko sydämesi ollut särkynyt? - niinkin voi asian ilmaistahell yeh!
10 Mitä mieltä olet etäsuhteista? - humans are really not very good at these and many fail...
11 Kuinka monta lasta haluat? - i have one already ... another might be nice... nobody would want one with me tho...
12 Lempivärisi? - black, purple, blue
13 Uskotko, että oikean rakkauden voi löytää vain kerran? - really not sure... if it's true then i may be lonely and looking for the rest of my life....
14 Onko vaikeaa kertoa ihmisille, jos tykkäät heistä? - VERY hard...
15 Onko sulla nuha? - nope
16 Jos joku tykkäisi sinusta, haluaisitko hänen kertovan sen sinulle? - would be very nice to know... not that anyone is interested that way
17 Oletko ihastunut? - could besay so ... not saying who

why :
miksi et seurustele ihmisen kanssa josta pidät? - not easy to do... they have to want to keep company too
miksi olit viimeksi surullinen? - some people know...
miksi teet tätä testiä? - fuck all to do while i'm waiting for laundry to be done
when :
milloin viimeksi nauroit? - yesterday, but a little today too, at work...
milloin olit viimeksi autossa? - couple days ago
milloin olet viimeksi syönyt leipää? - lunch-time today
milloin olet viimeksi opiskellut? - july this year, finishing off my specialism certificate studies
milloin olet viimeksi pelännyt pimeää? - many years ago, i think

do u have :
onko sinulla mp3? - yeh... it's called LapTop
onko sinulla joku sydämessäsi, ketä et saa millään pois? - yup... and not telling
onko sinulla juuri nyt musiikkia soimassa? - yep ... mostly Richard Thompson

yourself :
monta kirjainta on etunimessäsi? - 5
missä kuussa olet syntynyt? - July
oletko allerginen jollekkin? - yes - politicians and bureaucrats

love :
haluaisitko nyt halata jotain tiettyä ihmistä? - there's two or three just now...
mikä on ihaninta, mitä sinulle on sanottu? - that i'm NOT ugly....
rakastatko ketään tällä hetkellä? - somewhat, yes... not telling
rakastaako sinua kukaan? - as above

who :
kuka nukkui viimeksi vieressäsi? - someone who shall remain nameless but won't be forgotten about... she stopped that night from being yet another shitty night alone
kuka puhui kanssasi viimeksi puhelimessa? - Heta
kuka nauroi viimeksi kanssasi? - some clients at work, in the English language group there

this week :
onko joku halannut sinua viimeisen viikon sisällä? - only my daughter
oletko ikävöinyt jotain kovasti - kinda, yeh - sounds weird... feels weird saying it
oksentanut? - nope
soittanut jollekkin? - yep
saanut viestiä vastakkaiselta sukupuolelta? - yup
lähettäny viestiä vastakkaiselle sukupuolelle? - yup

today :
oletko ostanut jotakin? - only lunch
ollut halattavana? - would be nice to have one...
tuntenut itsesi tyhmäksi? - always
ikävöinyt jotakuta? - a bit yeth....
tehnyt jotain hiuksillesi? - no
This is the translationist version of backward masking! My life is officially bollocksed at this time.

Matty Groves:

A holiday, a holiday, and the first one of the year.
Lord Darnell's wife came into church, the gospel for to hear.

And when the meeting it was done, she cast her eyes about,
And there she saw little Matty Groves, walking in the crowd.

“Come home with me, little Matty Groves, come home with me tonight.
Come home with me, little Matty Groves, and sleep with me till light.”

“Oh, I can't come home, I won't come home and sleep with you tonight,
By the rings on your fingers I can tell you are Lord Darnell's wife.”

“What if I am Lord Darnell's wife? Lord Darnell's not at home.
For he is out in the far cornfields, bringing the yearlings home.”

And a servant who was standing by and hearing what was said,
He swore Lord Darnell he would know before the sun would set.

And in his hurry to carry the news, he bent his breast and ran,
And when he came to the broad mill stream, he took off his shoes and swam.

Little Matty Groves, he lay down and took a little sleep.
When he awoke, Lord Darnell he was standing at his feet.

Saying “How do you like my feather bed? And how do you like my sheets?
How do you like my lady who lies in your arms asleep?”

“Oh, well I like your feather bed, and well I like your sheets.
But better I like your lady gay who lies in my arms asleep.”

“Well, get up, get up,” Lord Darnell cried, “get up as quick as you can!
It'll never be said in fair England that I slew a naked man.”

“Oh, I can't get up, I won't get up, I can't get up for my life.
For you have two long beaten swords and I not a pocket-knife.”

“Well it's true I have two beaten swords, and they cost me deep in the purse.
But you will have the better of them and I will have the worse.”

“And you will strike the very first blow, and strike it like a man.
I will strike the very next blow, and I'll kill you if I can.”

So Matty struck the very first blow, and he hurt Lord Darnell sore.
Lord Darnell struck the very next blow, and Matty struck no more.

And then Lord Darnell he took his wife and he sat her on his knee,
Saying, “Who do you like the best of us, Matty Groves or me?”

And then up spoke his own dear wife, never heard to speak so free.
“I'd rather a kiss from dead Matty's lips than you and your finery.”

Lord Darnell he jumped up and loudly he did bawl,
He struck his wife right through the heart and pinned her against the wall.

“A grave, a grave!” Lord Darnell cried, “to put these lovers in.
But bury my lady at the top for she was of noble kin.”

Translation (final version) via Google Translate, Eng->Est->Eng->Est->Eng:

Holiday, holiday, and one of the first year.
Lord Darnell woman began the gospel church, to hear it.

And when he was meeting his eyes, the most well-known
And he saw little Matty Groves, Walking in the crowd.

"Come home with me, little Matty Groves, come home with me tonight.
Come home with me, little Matty Groves and sleep with me till light. "

"Oh, I can not at home, I do not want to come home and sleep with you today
The annual rings on your fingers, I can tell you are Lord Darnell's wife. "

"What if I am Lord Darnell woman? Lord Darnell is not at home.
He has been a lot of cornfields, the yearlings home. "

And the servant, who has been in this situation, and to hear what was said,
He swore Lord Darnell he known, before the sun had set.

Bear News and its fast, he bent his breast and ran,
And when he reached a broad mill stream, he took off his shoes and swam.

Little Matty Groves, he lay down and took a little sleep.
When he awoke, Lord Darnell his feet.

He said: "How do you like my feather bed? And how do you like my sheets?
How do you like my lady who slept with their weapons? "

"Oh, and I like your feather bed, and well I like your sheets.
But the better I like your lady Gay, who was sleeping in his arms. "

"Come on, get up, get up," Lord Darnell cried, "get up as soon as possible!
I can not say that I just slew a naked man in England. "

"Oh, I can not, that I did not get up, I can not, in my life.
If you have two long beaten swords and I not a pocket knife. "

"Well it's true, I have two beaten swords and they are deeply in mind the cost.
But you can have more than one, and I have been worse. "

"And do you strike the first blow and strike like a man.
I strike the next blow, and I will kill you if I can. "

So Matty struck the first blow and he hurt Lord Darnell sore.
Lord Darnell struck the next blow and Matty struck no more.

And then Lord Darnell he took his wife and he sat on his knee,
He said: "Who do you like best about us Matty Groves or me?"

And then up spoke of his dear wife never heard the word, both free of charge.
"I'd rather kiss the dead Matty's lips than you and your finery."

Lord Darnell he jumped it and scream out loud,
He struck his wife right through the heart and to remain in his or her against the wall.

"A Grave, serious!" Lord Darnell cried, "Put them in lovers
But bury my lady at the top, because he was a noble cousin."

Science is everywhere? Fuck off!!!Sunnuntai 14.06.2009 21:32

Actually, science is not everywhere. The reason for saying this is that science is not the sun burning brightly because of nuclear fission, or the fact that chlorophyll makes the leaves on trees look green... it's the process by which we actually find these things out. When you 'do science', it means that you use a scientific method of investigation, data collection, data analysis, interpretation to give a theory (a grounded theory, since it is grounded in the data) and then start to hypothesise events that might give support for the theory and experiment to determine whether the theory is true, based on the results of the experiment (the purpose of which is to test a hypothesis). That's what science is, not the activity in the sun or the pigment in leaves... it's the process of finding things out in a systematic fashion.

what happened yesterday was....Keskiviikko 10.06.2009 18:18


in ten years, my disability issues have not been confirmed in the system here. the kela woman who refused me disability support money failed to inform me that i should apply for a working ability assessment (kuntoutustutkimus) from kela.

it took all of about a month or two of meetings with sossu (and some other agencies being present but wanting to do fuck all). during the meeting, at the end of it really.... i was asked if i had any questions. i had one but i wasn't sure if i should ask it: "why wasn't this done fucking years ago?"

the meeting also dealt with making this 'activation plan', which - according to the MoL website - should be done after five months' time of being unemployed. people were amazed that i had not had a proper integration plan, job-search plan, any offer of rehabilitative work activity, or even a finnish lagnuage course within the first six months of finishing my studies at university. i still got no apologies for these things not having happened despite the very clear effects on my fucking quality of life.

there's an interview next week, on the 18th June, at Mahdollisuuksientalo (which is the local unit for the South-Eastern Finnish Social Psychiatry Association), and someone from the town will be there, as will someone from KAKSPY.

nothing's been decided yet on the rehabilitative work activity thing, in as much as the actual place is concerned (which means that there's no definite placement yet) but the chance of getting this is now higher because there is a valid and 'live' plan now in plan (signed by me, my social worker and the rehabilitation counsellor at the job centre) in place, which commits all three signatory parties to action towards getting me at least in something that gets me that extra 8e/day... somewhere that i can use my skills before the fucking things go into extinction.

i'm finding it hard to get very excited or elated; i can't even get slightly pleased. this shitty situation has gone on way too fucking long now. i can't even get excited about my gig tonight. it's fucking bad. so... things are moving, albeit very fucking slowly. but they're very late in getting moving.

to my DadLauantai 28.02.2009 12:42

i took a day to think of you
i took a day.

i took a day to be with you
i took a day.

we read blogs and commented on comments and commenters
well, i did that - you were otherwise occupied
being part of that spiritual ether that fills the universe
and keeps you around your children
where-ever we happen to be

by David

nicked off Mira (m-mira)Tiistai 16.12.2008 04:15

- Haluaisitko nyt halata jotain tiettyä ihmistä? - probably
- Milloin itkit viimeksi? - a bit back
- Mikä sinut saa yleensä itkemään? - something really not good
- Kenen kanssa haluaisit parhaillaan olla kahdestaan? - dunno... might be someone
- Mikä on ihaninta, mitä sinulle on sanottu? - dunno...
- Rakastaako sinua kukaan? - there's someone i'm a bit fond of but she doesn't know
- Ikävöitkö ketään juuri nyt? - not sure yet

- Kenen vieressä viimeksi nukuit? - sadly not someone who was worth that after all :(
- Kenen kanssa puhuit viimeksi puhelimessa? - Heta
- Kenen kanssa viimeksi nauroit? - Herman @ Caro's
- Ketä halasit viimeksi? - can't really remember.... so long ago, but most likely my daughter

- Kaivannut jotakuta niin paljon, että sattuu? - once upon a time this year, yes... not now...
- Laulanut suihkussa? - often
- Katunut sitä että olet rakastanut jotakuta? - very much so, and i'm saddened by being in this situation that i could even feel like that
- Ollut todella iloinen? - thought so... not sure now

1. Mitä aiot tänään vielä tehdä? - shitloads today
2. Mitä kokeita/muita koulujuttuja sinulle on tulossa? - some written work for JAMK...
3. Mitä aiot ostaa seuraavaksi? - with what fuckin money?
4. Mitä aiot tehdä tasan viikon kuluttua? - how the fuck would i know?
5. Entä ylihuomenna? - see previous reply
7. Mihin ammattiin uskot päätyväsi? - educational psychologist working in a polytechnic or university
6. Mitä odotat tulevaisuudeltasi? - nothing good unless this country changes its idea pretty fiucking soon!
8. Mitä uskot tekeväsi tunnin kuluttua? - another cup of tea....
9. Kenet ihmisen luulet nyt seuraavaksi näkeväsi? - fuck knows... probably Anne, my support worker
10. Mitä aiot tehdä seuraavana viikonloppuna? - fuck all... that's all i can afford

Ostanut jotakin? - yup
Ollut halattavana? - dunno
Tuntenut itsesi tyhmäksi? - many times
Ikävöinyt jotakuta? - pass because i dunno anymore
Saanut kokeesta nelosen? - no tests
Tanssinut? - no. i'm a twat on a dance floor
Leikkauttanut hiuksesi? - just the fringe.... so i could have one

Kiroiletko? - yup. lots.
Kokkaatko omat ruokasi? - have to, but i'm not very good. learning... slowly
Omistatko koiran? - nope
Käytätkö rahasi viisaasti? - what fuckin money?
Pidätkö uimisesta? - yup.
Kun sinulla on tylsää, soitatko ystäville? - can't afford to. usually go online and watch stuff on YouPube

päällysvaatteesi? - fuck all
avonaiset msn keskustelusi? - none really...
millälailla hiuksesi on? - down
kuka ihminen on sinua lähimpänä tällä hetkellä? - dunno
oletko onnellinen? - not sure
surullinen? - probably
masentunut? - quite likely
tylsistynyt? - yup
missä kännykkäsi on? - on top of computer
Mikä esine on vasemmalla puolellasi lähimpänä? - tea-mug mat
Katso taaksesi, mitä näet? - my bed, which needs to be returned to single size soonest possible

onko joku halannut sinua viimeisen viikon sisällä? - no
oletko ikävöinyt jotain kovasti? - my happiness
Mitä olet ostanut viikon sisällä? - nothing much.
oletko juonut alkoholia viikon aikana? - yes
oletko potenut krapulaa? -no
oksentanut? - nope
soittanut jollekkin? - no
saanut viestiä vastakkaiselta sukupuolelta? - yes
lähettäny viestiä vastakkaiselle sukupuolelle? - yes

PARAS juttu kuluneelta vuodelta? - getting into JAMK to do specialisation studies in multicultural education
oletko kokenut kuuman romanssin? - no comment
oletko kokenut surua? - the worst in my life since my dad died
oletko ollut töissä? - not really
oletko opiskellut? - yes
oletko itkenyt? - hell yes.
ollut onnellinen? - i'd thought so but ... not sure now
oletko tyytyväinen kuluneeseen vuoteen? - no. very dissatisfied

mitä odotat eniten ensi vuodessa? - if things go as they're going now, then death
aiotko saada lapsia joskus, monta? - who the fuck would want one with me????
haluatko naimisiin? - who the fuck would want me?
missä olet viikon päästä? - fuck knows
mikä asia ahdistaa sinua tulevaisuudessa? - most likely the same shit that fucks me up just now (see earlier blogs on here)

Kuluneen vuoden '08 tapahtumia.
Vastaa kysymyksiin.

1# Kenen kanssa vietit aikaa eniten? -someone i wouldn't feel comfortable spending time with now
2# Keiden kanssa vuoden parhaat muistot? - not who people (even Mira) would think, sadly....
3# Tapasitko uusia? - yes
4# Riitelitkö usein? - only with fucking sossu/kela/työkkäri
5# Ihastuitko/rakastuitko? - no
6# Petyitkö ihmisiin? - very. very deeply so.
7# Olisitko halunnut viettää enemmän aikaa kenenkään kanssa? - other than the one i spent it with.... yes
8# Vietitkö liikaa aikaa jonkun kanssa? - probably.

1# Mitkä asiat vuodessa olivat tärkeitä? - getting into JAMK
2# Oletko muuttunut jotenkin ? - more cynical. much more.
3# Haluaisitko muuttaa jotain? - yes
4# Oletko oppinut uutta? - not much
5# Kadutko jotain? - very much. loving someone so fucking much....
6# Olisitko jättänyt jotain tekemättä? - yes. making love to someone to whom it meant nothing
7# Olisitko tahtonut tehdä jotain mitä et tehnyt? - yes
8# Tahtoisitko elää jonkun päivän uudestaan? - not sure now
9# Olisitko tahtonut jättää jonkun päivän elämättä? - most of them

1# Matkustelitko? - sort of
2# Ulkomailla vai kotimaassa? - define kotimaassa for a foreigner!
3# Kävitkö festareilla? - no
4# Jokin surullinen asia? - very
5# Laivalla ? - no
6# Miitingeissä? - no
7# Rannalla? - no
8# Parhaat muistot? - not many
9# Parhaat päivämäärät? - none
10# Paskimmat päivät? - many more than usual

1# Oletko tyytyväinen tähän vuoteen? - no
2# Oliko paras kesä? - no
3# ...Jos ei, miksi? - shit year
4# Millainen tulee ensi vuodesta? - knowing how life is here, more of the same shit, but without someone who becomes another person to fuck my feelings up

- Oletko tyytyväinen elämääsi? - no
- Oletko saanut suukon? - some
- Tupakoitko? - no, never
- Juotko? - sometimes
- Oletko sinkku? - yes
- Onko sinulla msn? - yes
- Onko sulla puhelin? - yes
- Oletko hyvä koulussa? –apparently so...
- Onko sinulla oma TV? - yes, but no digibox
- Oletko ihastunut? - dunno just now....
- Kuunteletko musiikkia? – yes
- Oletko itkenyt? - yes, more so this year than in my life

- Huone? – own flat... hateful place
- Hiukset? – brown
- Matto? - none
- Housut sinulla on juuri nyt? - none
- Silmät? - brown
- Puhelin? – nokia 1100

-Suudellut? - no. nobody would want to, would they?
-Polttanut tupakkaa? - no
-Halannut? - no
-Itkenyt? - no
-Nauranut niin et vatsalihaksiin sattui? - no. last person i did that with, i coulnd't stand to be anywhere near them nowadays
-Ostanut jotain? – just café stuff
-Juonut alkoholia? - no
-Juonut jotain muuta kuin alkoholia? - yes
-Tajunnut jotain uutta? - no
-Ihastunut? – could have if i were to dare let myself... daren't let myself, luckily for her

...värinen puhelin sulla on? – blue/grey, black/grey
...takia itkit viimeksi? – serious disappointment in a relationship. she knows who she is

- Nähnyt jonkun kuolleen ihmisen/eläimen? - yes. older relatives.
- Suudellut jotakuta ja katunut? - yes

...halasit viimeksi? - possibly my daughter. other than her, Jutti.
...ajattelit viimeks? - couple of young women....

- Oletko koskaan ollut ihastunut opettajaasi? –no
- Vihaatko koulua? – not fond of them... their cultires usually fuck kids up... learning groups are good though!
- Asutko vielä vanhempiesi luona? - no... alone
- Luotatko helposti ihmisiin? - less and less each year
- Oletko koskaan valehdellut parhaalle ystävällesi? – no
- Onko sinulla salaisuuksia jotka saattaisivat järkyttää muita ihmisiä? – depends....
- Pidätkö tanssimisesta? - no
- Onko sinulla rusketusta? – no
- Voisitko seurustella itseäsi nuoremman kanssa? - have done a few times. age is a number. largely fuck all else...
- Voisitko seurustella itseäsi vanhemman kanssa? - have done a few times...
- Näytätkö enemmän isältäsi vai äidiltäsi? -my mum's in the UK and my dad's dead....
- Itketkö paljon? – not now...
- Milloin viimeksi olit juhlimassa? - friday's gig, i suppose
- Onko sinusta liikkunut huhuja? – probably. not heard them though....
- Pitääkö ne paikkaansa? - "fools start the rumours, none of them are true...." (Pete Townshend, The Who, 1965)

Thanks for those, Mira.

now, autismiliitto too!!!!!Tiistai 09.12.2008 19:46

i did 3hrs of contract work for autismiliitto for which i've no chance of getting paid because the MD assigned the same fuckin job to some other person.

that's how much i'm worth to my fucking lobbying organisation.

fucking great!

plähhhhhKeskiviikko 26.11.2008 21:54

Well, I have seen special needs children make better progress in learning and development than I have seen with the people dealing with my case in Kotka. I have actually seen children who have no hope whatsoever of attaining the academic achievements of social workers (and others who work in the social support system in this country) make quicker and better progress in taking on board knowledge and formulating ideas based on that knowledge compared to what I see in the people who are supposedly managing my my support. I was a non-teaching assistant in a special needs school, where we taught children who had moderate to severe learning difficulties how to manage in a supported living environment. We taught them how to get bathed by themselves; we taught them how to cook; we taught them how to manage their money reasonably well; and we taught them how to do many things connected with what were called 'activities of daily living'. And these children, by the time our school had finished with them (about two years in that group), had mastered enough of this to be able to live semi-independently, or in a group home setting without needing to be 'looked after' by people who would have to do everything for them, including - for example - wiping their arses.

So, after ten years, Sossu, Kela and TVT have actually found out that they really should be supporting me properly. I've been giving them information about my situation for the entire length of time I've lived in this country, and only now has it sunk in that they have not been doing it right.

Kela has now agreed to an assessment of working ability (oh, my fucking gods... only 10 years after a need for such was expressed... how quick! /sarcasm), and Työkkäri have realised that their main purpose should be to support me in finding proper work (fuck me, this is incredible bloody progress!!!!! /sarcasm).

Whilst these people have been taking a decade of my life to achieve this incredible learning curve (! /sarcasm), that same decade of my life has been wasted and I cannot get those ten years back. The work I could have done in those ten years is lost forever, as is the income I could have earned from that work. The career development that could have occurred during those ten years will never happen, because those career development opportunities no longer exist for that development to take place. My quality of life has changed in that time and not for the better: it has, in fact, deteriorated to the point where - because my income is so low that my possibilities are severely limited (pay rent; pay bills; buy food; buy study-related materials; have a social life... choose two) - I cannot say that I have a life at all. I am certainly in a worse position than I was on when I lived in the UK, immediately prior to moving to Finland.

So, in exchange for ten precious years of my life, the best that Kela, Sossu and Työkkäri can come up with is, essentially: 'oops, we should have done our jobs properly in the beginning!'

In a fifth of that time, children who had no hope of academic or vocational attainments that these people take for granted learned how to live effectively!

I am expected to see the outcome of today's meeting as a step forward. Against this background I have in educational sciences (adult education, inclusion, special education and educational psychology), however, I cannot.

I'm feelign so utterly insulted and disappointed that I cannot really think of anything else to say. It's not that words continue to fail me: it's that Sossu, Kela and Työkkäri do.

fucking jesus, this gets worse!Torstai 30.10.2008 21:23

so well done, my idiot employment advisor; the one who offered me a full-time Finnish course on top of accepting a part-time polytechnic course as work-force training! because i couldn't do the Finnish (for reasons stated above) i'm having to wait for money from October until TVT have assessed my reason for not being able to go on the Finnish course.

that bitch should never have offered the full-time Finnish course in the first place! incompetent cow!

i fucking hate this.

I have to live in Jkl for a week on less than 100e... and it's eating out all the fucking way, there.

i'm surrounded by incompetence!

What I really want is for these people to get a fucking clue on:

a- how to do real client work that
b- centres on supporting clients
c- using person-centred support plans
d- that include stated goals
e- and a timeline for completion and achievement of these goals
f- with stated activities to be engaged in to attain those goals
g- and named individuals whose job it is to engage in those activities
h- and methods of knowing how a goal has been attained
i- and appropriate funding to enable the people named in the plan to succeed in achieving the goals in the plan.

So far, I haven't see one of these things in ten fucking years whilst I've been in this country (unless I've actually written it)!

Best of it is that I could actually bloody teach them this stuff! And they certainly bloody need to be taught this!