


Fire walk with me

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Vai niinTorstai 21.09.2006 02:01

Although your mind often meanders in the direction of sex, it's not your main preoccupation. You may have particular days when you're feeling more hormonal than others, or perhaps there are certain people or situations that turn your crank and conjure up dirty thoughts. At other times, getting it on is the last thing on your mind. This is probably a healthy approach - fantasizing is healthy for any sex life, but if you go overboard the rest of your life will suffer. How would you get any work done if you were running a constant porno in your head?

Runo 112:

Nykyään tästä maailmasta ei löydy,
kuin halpoja kopioita, pätee ihan ihmisiin,
esineisiin ja kaikkeen mitä tältä pallolta löytyy,
aitoa saa etsiä ehkä koko elämän,
silti löytämättä sitä.

by: Crash

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