
No one? Anyone?Perjantai 25.07.2008 01:16

How to be pure, how to be innocent? How can you, in this evil world? How do you stay clean, how do you avoid corruption? How do you remain true to yourself and others? How could you when the others don´t? How long has it been since the last angel was shot down from the shy? How long ago did the last unicorn pass away? Who remembers the time when butterflies were free, not dead specimen? Who can truly and honestly claim to have committed no sin, to have always cared and always protected the innocent? How can a world like this be? How can it survive? How can there be something so dark, so.. terrifying? Starving children fill the streets, cries of tortured animals echo in the emptiness of people´s hearts. Where can one find peace in a place like this? Where can one be safe, where can one sleep without fear? Is there such a safe haven? Does peace and quiet even exist anymore? Does anyone even miss these things? Is there a single soul who cares, who misses the old times, who would give anything to see an angel flying again, to hear a unicorn galloping in the woods or to know that there are butterflies still enjoying the summer. Is there anyone out there who cares?

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