
What do I believe in?Torstai 29.01.2009 14:58

I believe in a Universal Soul, and that all of our souls are a small part of that bigger soul. The Soul of the Souls, the thing that connects each and every one of us. And when a life ends, the soul returns to this soul. And whenever a new life is born, a part of this soul is reborn in that new one. Whether it is a human being, an animal or something else (I haven´t yet decided if I believe that plants have a soul too, not to mention rocks or water..)

I also believe in people. No matter what I just can´t help but believing in people. Childish, I know, but so what? It is what I believe, me alone, and I´m not saying it is the absolute truth. But I believe so. I believe that people are real, that they exist and are pure and good at heart.

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