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[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 25.02.2008 02:38

Vastaa lempibändisi/jonkin muun bändin biisien nimillä.


1. Are you male or female?
- Girl

2. Describe yourself?
- Wicked Pussycat

3. How do you feel about yourself?
- Lady Lucifera

4. Describe what you are thinking right now
- Anything

5. Describe your boy/girlfriend?
- Sistinas

6. Describe the place you currently live.
- 7th house

7. If you could go anywhere, where would you go?
- ...

8. Your best friend is?
- Black Angel, White Angel

9. What would you ask for if you had just one wish?
- Dominion :D

10. You know that:
- Pain In The World

11. What's the weather like?
- Cold, Cold Rain

12. If your life was a television show, what would it be called?
- Stalker song.. :D

13. What is life to you?
- I Don't Mind The Pain

14. What is the best advice you have to give?

15. If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
- Lady Lucifera, vaikka toiseen kertaan jo tulikin

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