


If you could buy dreams, what would you buy?

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 05.01.2014 05:16

You can learn a lot about someone by the music they listen to. Hit shuffle on your iPod or mp3 player and write down the first 20 songs. No cheating or skipping songs that are shameful. That is the fun!

1. Jeffree Star - Prom Night
2. Nine Inch Nails - God Given (Dj Paperclip Remix)
3. Dir en grey - Agitated Screams Of Maggots
4. Nine Inch Nails - The Beginning of the end [remix]
5. Cult Of Luna - The Flow Reversed
6. hide - In Motion
7. Bring Me The Horizon - Blessed With A Curse
8. Dir en grey - Undecided
9. Marilyn Manson - The Speed Of Pain
10. Versailles - Flowery
11. Dir en grey - The Final
12. Bring Me The Horizon - Sleepwalking
13. Sadie - Sayonara no Hate
14. Bring Me The Horizon - Traitors Never Play Hangman
15. Sadie - Mousou Hi Gyaku Seiheki
16. hide -Squeeze it
17. HIZAKI grace project - Dark Passage
18. Bring Me The Horizon - Eyeless (Slipknot Cover)
19. GazettE - Rich Excrement
20. Nine Inch Nails - 13 Ghosts II

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