


Win or lose, bring on the booze


- Vanhemmat »

ed krPPA saatana.Lauantai 10.02.2007 23:09


Suhteellisuuden taju: 12
Hiljainen tieto: 9
Lojaalisuus: 7
Rakkaus: 7
Jalo joutilaisuus: 6
Kohtuullisuus: 6
Viisaus: 6
Oikeudenmukaisuus: 5
Urhoollisuus: 5
Anteeksiantavaisuus: 3
Pyhä huolettomuus: 1


Murehtiminen: 19
Hengen velttous: 15
Vihamielisyys: 10
Vatsan palvonta: 9
Huumorintajuttomuus: 8
Ylpeys: 8
Ahneus: 6
Kateus: 5
Välinpitämättömyys: 5
Hekumallisuus: 3
Tietämättömyys: 2

ällötän.Tiistai 02.01.2007 18:30

tilastova.Lauantai 07.10.2006 18:37

One out of three women and one out of four men are on a diet at any given time.

35% of occasional dieters progress into pathological dieting.

Two out of five women and one out of five men would trade three to five years of their life to achieve their weight goals.

Diet and diet related products are a 33 billion dollar a year industry.

In 1970 the average age a girl started dieting was 14; by 1990 the average age dropped to 8.

One half of 4th grade girls are on a diet.

81% of ten-year-old girls are afraid of being fat.

51% of nine and ten-year-old girls stated they felt better about themselves when they were adhering to a diet.

While only one out of ten high school girls are overweight, nine out of ten high school juniors and seniors diet.

79% of teenage girls who vomit and 73% of teenage girls who use diet pills are frequent readers of womenÂ’s health and fitness magazines. This is in contrast to less than 43% of teenage girls who do not participate in these purging methods.

Following the introduction of Western television in Fiji, there was a surge in the rate of eating disorders.

One out of every four television commercials sends out some sort of message about attractiveness.
80% of women who answered a People magazine survey responded that images of women on television and in the movies make them feel insecure.

Actresses Julia Roberts and Cameron Diaz and singer Diana Ross all meet the Body Mass Index physical criteria for Anorexia.

Model/Actress Elizabeth Hurley stated in Allure Magazine, "I've always thought Marilyn Monroe looked fabulous, but I'd kill myself if I was that fat."

Pamela Anderson is 5'7" and weights 120 pounds. She is supposed to be the voluptuous ideal yet she is 11% below ideal body weight.

In contrast, a generation ago Marilyn Monroe set the beauty standard at 5'5" and weighed 135 pounds.

In one study, three out of four women stated that they were overweight although only one out of four actually were.

Four out of five U.S. Women are dissatisfied with their appearance.

A study found that adolescent girls were more fearful of gaining weight than getting cancer, nuclear war or losing their parents.

Over one half of normal weight white adolescent girls consider themselves fat.

Following viewing images of female fashion models, seven out of ten women felt more depressed and angrier than prior to viewing the images.

When preschoolers were offered dolls identical in every respect except weight, they preferred the thin doll nine out of ten times.

A study asked children to assign attractiveness values to pictures of children with various disabilities. The participants rated the obese child less attractive than a child in a wheelchair, a child with a facial deformity, and a child with a missing limb.

A study found that women overestimate the size of their hips by 16% and their waists by 25%, yet the same women were able to correctly estimate the width of a box.

In a Glamour survey, 61% of respondents said they were ashamed of their hips, 64% were ashamed of their stomachs and 72% were ashamed of their thighs.

30% of women chose an ideal body shape that is 20% underweight and an additional 44% chose an ideal body shape 10% underweight.

50% of women wear size 14 or larger, but most standard clothing outlets cater to sizes 14 or smaller.

In 1950 mannequins closely resembled the average measurements or women. The average hip measurement of mannequins and women were 34 inches. By 1990 the average hip measurement was 37 inches, while the average mannequins hip measured only 31 inches.

If today's mannequins were actual human women, based on their theoretical body-fat percentages they would have probably ceased to menstruate.

The average U.S. woman is 5'4" and weighs 140 pounds. In contrast, the average U.S. model is 5'11" and weighs 117 pounds.

Over the last three decades fashion models, Miss America contestants, and Playboy centerfolds have grown steadily thinner, while the average woman's weight has actually risen.

Some of the pictures of the models in magazines do not really exist. The pictures are computer-modified compilations of different body parts.

A study found that 25% of Playboy centerfolds met the weight criteria for Anorexia.

Twenty years ago the average fashion model weighed 8% less than the average woman. Today she weighs 23% less.

Kate Moss is 5'7" and weights 95 pounds. That is 30% below ideal body weight.

Supermodels Niki Taylor and Elle Macpherson also meet the Body Mass Index physical criteria for Anorexia.

Gisele Bundchen was Vogue's model of the year, in part the magazine states, because she strays from the rail-thin image. Gisele is 5'11" and weighs only 115, that is 25% below her ideal body weight.

3v<3.Torstai 22.06.2006 15:10

äkkiä se aika rientää.

ja oikee päiväkin meni ohi kun oon dorka.


paljon kerinny pusutella.

jejeMaanantai 27.03.2006 16:56

Ohje: Avaa haluamasi soitinohjelma, laita kaikki laulusi soittolistalle ja pistä satunnaissoitto päälle. Kysy kysymys ääneen, paina playta ja anna musiikin toimia profeettana.

[koneelta löytyy sit kaiken näköstä paskaa, et elkää naurako. :]

Mitä äitini minusta ajattelee?
laulu: ball and chain
artisti: social distortion
kommenttis: haahaa, kait se haluu miusta eroon sit. :D

Onko elämäni kulkemassa oikeaan suuntaan?
laulu: sunday bloody sunday
artisti: the living end
kommenttis: ei taia vakuuttaa .. :D

Mikä auttaisi rahaongelmiini?
laulu: the capital radio two
artisti: the clash
kommenttis: varmaan pitäs mennä sit töihin radioon. . mikäs siinä. :D

Mistä muut ihmiset kadehtii minua?
laulu: are you lonesome tonight?
artisti: elvis
kommenttis: muut varmaan kadehtii, kun miula on oma muru. :D

Mikä auttaa tylsyyteen?
laulu: voodoo rhythm
artisti: meteorssi
kommenttis: varmaan sit joku voodoo intoilu. :D

Mitä piirrettä en ole itsessäni vielä tiedostanut?
laulu: billie jean
artisti: michael jackson
kommenttis: varmaan sit tätä disco hile puolta .. [enpä varmaan]

Millaiseksi muutun, kun vanhenen?
laulu: prisoners of today
artisti: billy talent
kommenttis: varmaan jouvun työelämän orjaks ja on paskaa.

Kehen/Mihin ihastun seuraavaksi?
laulu: am i going insane
artisti: black sabbath
kommenttis: ei kovinkaan selkeä mihinkään suuntaan. :D

Elämän tarkoitus?
laulu: diamonds and guns
artisti: transplants
kommenttis: aika nappiin tais mennä tääkin. eli pyssyt ja timantit toki! wuu-huuu-

Mitäs tän jälkeen kannattais tehdä?
laulu: dig up her bones
artisti: misfitsi
kommenttis: kenenkä luut?? hööhöö. en tai lähtee kuitenkaan.

oli hassu. :D


löysin jatkoa ..

Kuinka muu maailma sinut näkee?
laulu: tuomittu
artisti: kotiteollisuus
kommenttisi: no mitä tähän nyt sanomaan. :D

"Kuljemme yksin täällä
kyynelten kastelemia teitä
synkkyyden vankina etsimme muita

Onko elämäsi onnellinen?
laulu: brackish
Artisti: kittie
kommenttisi: no mitenkä tän taas ymmärtää:

"she is not scared to die
best things in life drive her to cry
crucify then learn
{take so much away from inside you
makes no sense
you know he can't guide you
he's your fuckin shoulder to lean on
be strong} "
sit & watch me burn

Mitä ystäväsi oikeasti ajattelevat sinusta?
laulu: salty dog
artisti: flogging molly
kommenttisi: hmh,

"You drank with demons straight from hell,
They almost nearly won as well,
You wiped the floor with victory,
Then puked until you fell asleep."

kova rypemään. :D

Himoitseeko ihmiset minua salaa?
laulu: backslide
artisti: rancid

"They had a feeling.
It was like you had to prove you're one in a million
And on top of that junk he's been dealing
This time the drugs are you
And they'll come through
It ain't gonna stop 'til they get what they want"
näköjään vainoovat ainakkii tahi jottai.

Kuinka teen itsestäni onnellisen?
laulu: teardrops are falling
artisti: cry baby ost
itkemällä niinkö???

"my heart is aching
almost breaking
if you hear me
come back to me"
varmaan pitää mennä jussin luo .. ite asiassa oon kohta lähössä. :D

Mitä teen elämälläni?
laulu: i believe in anarchy
artisti: the exploited
kommenttisi: herätän sen sisäsen anarkistin itestäni .. :D. vai nukkuuko se ees? no kyllä se kuitenki.

Kuinka voisin lisätä nautintoani seksin aikana?
laulu: back from the grave
artisti: nekromantix
kommenttisi: pitäs olla varmaan vähän elosampi. :D.

Saanko ikinä lapsia?
Laulu: special
artisti: mew
kommenttisi: hmh.

"You can't say no"

Mikä olisi hyvä neuvo minulle?
laulu: take on me
artisti: reel big fish

"It's no better to be safe than sorry"
niinh ..

Mitä on onnellisuus?
laulu: a moment of violence
artisti: streetlight manifesto
kommenttisi: no tuota ..

Mikä on minun lempi fetissini?
laulu: wet dream
artisti: max romeo
kommenttisi: aika mystistä.

Kuinka minut muistetaan?
laulu: sick world
artisti: mad sin
kommenttisi: no en nyt taas tiä. :D
- Vanhemmat »