


"Täällähän on vitusti ihmisiä. Terve ihmiset."
Tonilta kysyttiin et "mites kokeet? onko teillä ollu niitä vielä?"
T: "no biologia oli ja se oli iha karsee"
Äiti: "mikä numero tuli?"
T: "no kutone tuli ku se oli nii ihmee sekava"
Ä: "koska ne palautetaa teille?"
T: "emmä tiä ku mein bilsan ope on jumissa jossaipäin galapagoksella"
Ä: "aijaa, oikee galapakoksella?"
T: "joo jossai siel espanjassa"
Ä: "jaa tarkotaks et kanariansaarilla?"
T: "ei vaa espanjassa"
(ja me nauretaa nii paljo...)

Hyvää kesää kaikille! :D

Eleanoora Rosenholm - Tai-Panin PaholainenPerjantai 26.02.2010 20:38

Geisha Miss Lee
Oli viihdyttämään luotu
Himot vieraan mieheen täyttää
Joka vuoteeseen on tuotu
Hoiti viran leikkikalun
Tyydytti koko hovin halun
Viaton geisha kaunomieli
Tyttö satakieli

Geisha valvoi öitä
Pelkäsi uuden päivän töitä
Sielu kovettui ja kätki
Pelon sydämeen
Kiveä rinnassansa kantoi
Viimein viha myöten antoi
Voi viaton kaunomieli
Tyttö satakieli

Tai-Panin paholainen
Oli hento geishanainen
Joka rakkautta vain etsi
Mutta surua vain sydämeensä sai

Hän murtui, katkerasti itki
Kunnes veitseen geisha tarttui
Miehen sydämeen sen iski
Näin uskollisen sydämen hän sai

Kokoelma karttui
Viaton demoniksi varttui
Miesten sydämet hän säilöi
Kujat veritöihin hukkui
Geisha yönsä hyvin nukkui
Ei ollut enää kaunomieli
Hento satakieli

Tai-Panin paholainen
Oli hento geishanainen
Joka rakkautta vain etsi
Mutta surua vain sydämeensä sai

Miehet kokosivat joukot
Teroittivat heinäseipäät
Järjestivät väijytyksen
Kaduille kaupungin
Geisha Leen he vangitsivat
Seivästivät naulitsivat
Kitui leikkikalu hienon hovin
Vain nauraen kovin

Tai-Panin paholainen
Oli hento geishanainen
Joka rakkautta vain etsi
Mutta surua vain sydämeensä sai

Hän murtui, katkerasti itki
Kunnes veitseen geisha tarttui
Miehen sydämeen sen iski
Näin uskollisen sydämen hän sai

Don Johnson Big Band - JackPerjantai 13.11.2009 18:46

Only if you can see the Earth spin around
Will you find that all that trouble's not a curse but a crown
Open your mouth and watch your words hit the ground
You deserve something better
It's your turn here and now

I try to count the stars playing Jesus on the cross
Floating in the water on my back, I'm at a loss
How can all these people trust in God
When Planet Earth is more than ample evidence
His plans haven't worked
Millions of people slain by weapons and tidal waves
And man responds with more prayer and idle praise
I'll start my own religion worshipping my dog Jack
Cause dog spelled backwards is god and that's a fact
It's as good a try as any to get us back on course
My churches will be full of petty criminals and whores
Should Jack fail to save us, we'll sacrifice his ass
Then write a book about him, so his legacy will last
Centuries on, they'll recount the tale of his
Immaculate conception from a mother no one nailed
Jack Christ, the Son of God, a pedigree messiah
Here's a bone for all you non-believers calling me a liar

Only if you can see the Earth spin around
Will you find that all that trouble's not a curse but a crown
Open your mouth and watch your words hit the ground
You deserve something better
It's your turn here and now

Only if you can see the Earth spin around
Will you find that all that trouble's not a curse but a crown
Open your mouth and watch your words hit the ground
You deserve something better
It's your turn here and now

It's clearer now
More deities will help the people be at ease
Hear these commandments and
Consider who you stand with
Fear reason, it leaves you bitter and abandoned
Get around it, there isn't any proof
The truth is founded on a better standard
A leap of faith will keep you safe
And meet demands that men have made
For centuries to seek escape from understanding
But if all this was made without a plan
Then maybe man can see himself
As a random grain of sand
And just relax, no pleas for help will be of use
I'd rather trust the facts than take a chance
And have a hand in hustling acts
Like empty promises that death is not the end
Don't know what lies beyond the intellect
Or comprehend why the universe expands
And how it all began, but I won't be
Pointing fingers at a rambling bearded man
And looking into Jack's eyes I couldn't tell a lie
This boat will never capsize if I go to hell and fry
So let them try defend a higher power
Men and women cry for bread and wine forgetting why
And they'll be dead in time just like all the rest of us
I'm getting kind of tired of the fuss
No one's testing us

Only if you can see the Earth spin around
Will you find that all that trouble's not a curse but a crown
Open your mouth and watch your words hit the ground
You deserve something better
It's your turn here and now

Only if you can see the Earth spin around
Will you find that all that trouble's not a curse but a crown
Open your mouth and watch your words hit the ground
You deserve something better
It's your turn here and now

And when the end is near
I'll travel to the Southern Hemisphere
Knowing that my head is clear
Of fairytales and myths
A better twist awaits me,
I'm convinced the afterlife
Will be the nap that I've
Been dreaming about half my life
A sleep without alarm clocks
No reason to be mourning
I can think of a million more boring
Ways to pass the morning
But before then, concentrate on here and now
No stalling will do us any good
We should be living, not performing

Juice Leskinen - DokumenttiKeskiviikko 26.08.2009 03:36

Mä menin Messiin juomaan kolpakon, hän tuli pöytään istumaan.
Hän pysyi vaiti, imaisi lonkeron, ja poltti tupakkiaan.
Viimein lausui, khrm, kuules Leskinen, tota, ekkös sää Juice oo?
Meinaan nääs, teekkö laulun semmoisen, tai, joo.

Kato mää oon suurin kusipää, mitä löytyy päältä maan.
Sitä faija jo koitti selittää, aikoinaan.
Meni koulut ja intit poskelleen, mua aina viilattiin.
Ja sitten retkahdin naiseen nykyiseen, mentiin naimisiin.

Ja mää saatana oikeesti rakastin, sitä yhtä muijaa vaan.
Ja kun ihmiseen uskon vihdoinkin, niin se huijaa vaan.
Jos hoipun himaan aamu-yöstä, se tylysti monottaa.
Ja jos kotiudun suoraan työstä, saan jonottaa.

Kato semmosta miehen elämä on, se lyö päätään lattiaan.
Kuule tarjookko yhden lonkeron, no, kippis vaan.
Iso mies ja pienet kyyneleet, hän lähti ja sanoi moi.
Tota, kai tästä sitten laulun teet, mä sanoin etten voi.

Jesus Jones - Zeroes and onesTiistai 16.12.2008 00:00

Across the world the message flies
Information, truth and lies
It's all yours and it's all mine
You just have to find the time
We're all the same, we share the blame, we play the games
If it's yes or no the decision is easy, it's easy.

Zeroes and ones will take us there
Zeroes and ones will take us there.

This time the revolution will be computerised
You'll know it as you do it
In real time before your eyes
Slip between realities
There's more to this than anything that you or I can see
The world is mine the world is yours and here's the cause

Zeroes and ones will take us there
Zeroes and ones will take us there.

I've stared into the heart of it all
Seen the pictures on the wall
The beat of a heart
The oceans part and the patterns in my mind

This time, we've split the world once more
There's those that have and that don't in information wars
We're not alone 'cos all is known and it's everywhere, it's

Zeroes and ones will take us there
Zeroes and ones will take us there
Zeroes and ones will take us there.

Lapsettomuutta?Torstai 13.11.2008 17:33

Tässä tapauksessa, Jehovan seuraajilla.

FutuuriTiistai 11.11.2008 19:13

"Nu ska vi dricka lite bärs."

musaaMaanantai 02.06.2008 20:12

"Tarvitsemme vain, diskomusaa."

Röyksopp - SparksSunnuntai 18.05.2008 17:37

No matter gay or grim
It's those tiny little sparks
Daily life that makes me
Forget my wounded heart

It doesn't matter when
It may rain or it may shine
Blurred memories of us
Come back from time to time

No matter gay or grim
It's those tiny little sparks
Daily life that makes me
Forget my wounded heart

It doesn't matter when
It may rain or it may shine
Blurred memories of us
Come back from time to time

No matter gay or grim
It's those tiny little sparks
Daily life that makes me
Forget my sulky heart

It doesn't matter when
It may rain or it may shine
But you will always be here
Stored inside my mind

Come, I'll give you all my love
Suck some air
Tell me what I'm dreaming of
Oh, whoa, oh...

Maybe within a thousand years
You'll be here
Maybe within a thousand tears
Oh, whoa, oh...

Can I be so alone?

Can I be so alone?

Oh, whoa..
La la la la...