


Muuttuui elämän pituiseksi rakkaudeksi<3

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 31.01.2008 00:10

I shouldn't make you cry at that rainy night, i shouldn't hurt you so and i shouldn't
give you the kiss goodbye but i am just a halfgrown boy.
I couldn't be the man tha you wanted me to be, but i want to be!
I couldn't love you the way you wanted me to love. but i want to love!
And i guess i will do whatever you want, with your terms and choises.
So thease words i now say: I would not give up, i would not stop loving you, and i WILL be the
man for you. So i should make you happy, i could be the one for you
and i would love you till the end of all time.

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