


In pace simul requiescam et dormiam.

Umbrella Diaries 37Keskiviikko 19.11.2008 14:03

Wednesday, 19.11.2008

My saving diary,

After been trapped for so long in this city, I'm finally rescued. Not the kind of rescue I'd have imagined, but better than nothing. He's a cop, name was Greendfield or Copperfield, can't remember, had to do something with the colour, looking for his partner or sister or whatever. Can't really imagine that someone else has survived in this whole mess, as all the population look like Peter Jackson's Braindead. Of course he was quite surprised to see me, almost shot me in the face. Guess I look so pale from being indoors for so long. Or because I'm such a nerd scientist. Heard from him that they already tried to use the army troops, but these creeps don't go down so easily, and the infection spreads so fast. I'm just worried if this thing works on animals like flies, small birds, fish, etc. We're screwed.

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