


In pace simul requiescam et dormiam.

Umbrella Diaries 39Maanantai 01.12.2008 12:54

Monday, 1.12.2008

My snowy diary...

We finally ascended to the street level. We presumed that their sight haven't enhanced during the mutation, thus moving at night gives us an advantage. To them also, a flashlight in the dark attracts them like moths to lightsabers. Having one of those with me wouldn't mind me at all. Or Mark III, we could just fly the hell out of here. Gee, should have built a battle robot or a small jet instead of working at the cure, but hey, I'm no Tony Stark. The snow falling from the sky is the only beautiful thing I've seen in this town for months. I can still remember how this street was filled with noises of Christmas carols, jingle bells, Santas, crying children, angry parents shouting at them and arguing at each others. Sigh. I'd trade that nightmare to this situation anytime. I even missed Thanksgiving. I hope we'll make it to live this Christmas. Wonder if anyone will notice our footprints...

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