


In pace simul requiescam et dormiam.

Umbrella Diaries 40Maanantai 08.12.2008 06:47

Monday, 8.12.2008

My sluggish diary,

The movement through this big city via foot has been slow for many reasons. We move mostly during the dark when it's harder to notice us (it's damn scary though), we have to dodge every wandering corpse, dog, bird, cat, etc. to minimize the contamination, search through every store for dried and canned food, climb over rubble and car wrecks, and my condition isn't athletic type. I was glad when we stopped by the drugs store to get some bandages, and I stashed some vitamin pills for myself. We've been walking for days now, and still no sign of city's limits and we're still in downtown! It's gonna take forever! Hope we'll find a monster truck and just drive through everything we see and get rid of this place for once and for all.

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