


In pace simul requiescam et dormiam.

Umbrella Diaries 71Sunnuntai 11.01.2009 00:27

Saturday, 10.1.2009

Dear diary,

It certainly has been interesting life in Raccoon city. Just moments ago, I thought I'd spend my last moment in an airport, staring at an gargantuan abomination, with an incoming nuclear missile shining behind it. And then against all the odds, I manage to fire my pistol at the thing, miss the whole creature just to hit something flammable and explosive, and buy us enough time to escape, find an abandoned helicopter that still works, and get us out of there in time. Yes. I survived a certain death with just few bruises, small traces of virus inside me, horrific nightmarish experience, broken leg, and probably life time trauma. It feels good to be alive. After I show them my vaccine, I'll start to look for new job. Life, here we come.

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