


In pace simul requiescam et dormiam.

Umbrella Diaries 72Sunnuntai 11.01.2009 13:01

Sunday, 11.1.2009

In memoriam

My name is Chris Redfield. I'm writing on behalf of the owner of this cell phone, and diary. I've noticed that he writes notes every day on his cell phone, and I've read how things have proceeded since the day of his assignment in Umbrella Corporation.

When we landed down to a military base, they took us into their laboratory for tests. Simon was paranoid enough to give me his cell phone before we landed, as if he didn't trust anyone else than himself and me. Now they've taken him away to research the virus more carefully, keeping him in custody and claiming him as a property of government. I figured out later that his infection was different from the others they've encountered, as he obtains samples of virus, that came from the source. Not sure how did it happen, but they have a theory that he was bitten by a laboratory rat with who he was working with. The vaccine he carried with him, and in his bloodstream, will play a great role in this war against the zombie mutation.

I have to stay in quarantine until I'm totally secured from the virus. Simon will be transferred to area 51 under the name of "Project T". Last time I saw him, he didn't look like human anymore, but has grown big maw and claws. If I ever survive this whole incident and we get an end for this nightmare, I'll look up who this Helen is and tell what has happened, for it seems he barely had any relatives left. Rest in peace Simon, may your soul find the way where it belongs.

Umbrella Diaries 71Sunnuntai 11.01.2009 00:27

Saturday, 10.1.2009

Dear diary,

It certainly has been interesting life in Raccoon city. Just moments ago, I thought I'd spend my last moment in an airport, staring at an gargantuan abomination, with an incoming nuclear missile shining behind it. And then against all the odds, I manage to fire my pistol at the thing, miss the whole creature just to hit something flammable and explosive, and buy us enough time to escape, find an abandoned helicopter that still works, and get us out of there in time. Yes. I survived a certain death with just few bruises, small traces of virus inside me, horrific nightmarish experience, broken leg, and probably life time trauma. It feels good to be alive. After I show them my vaccine, I'll start to look for new job. Life, here we come.

Umbrella Diaries 70Perjantai 09.01.2009 04:25

Friday, 9.1.2009

My final diary,

We're doomed. I knew this would come. There's no hope. There was never hope. I can already see the nuclear launch heading towards the city. This is it. Goodbye everybody, see you soon mom and dad, goodbye world. I wish I'd have taken that student program to France when I had the chance. I should've followed Helen there. These things wouldn't have had happened if I'd have followed you. I loved you Helen. I still do. Goodbye.

Umbrella Diaries 69Perjantai 09.01.2009 04:14

Thursday, 8.1.2009

My panicked diary,

Great. Just freaking great. We arrived to the airport and what happens? BOOM! That freaking thing with bazooka just blew out our helicopter and our transport! If anyone can read this, I wanna say I never wanted to be a scientist, I wanted to sell video games at video store! Argh! I hate my life! I can't concentrate! I'm overreacting to everything! There's a piece of metal that burst through my leg! I had to take an adrenalin shot and now I just wanna take out my pistols and go sparta on that thing like johnwooandicantthinkstraighticanwriteiwannakillitthissucksihatemylifeouchmylegithurtsargh

Umbrella Diaries 68Keskiviikko 07.01.2009 11:02

Wednesday, 7.1.2009

My bumpy diary,

We found a working armored army vehicle, as we're much closer to the border of the town, we've began to see more signs of army's attempts to stop the situation and less walking corpses. Chris will drive us to the airport and army helicopter will pick us up from there. We'll be there soon. I'll just take a small cat nap before that.

Umbrella Diaries 67Tiistai 06.01.2009 11:33

Tuesday, 6.1.2009

My forgiving diary,

We moved on today. We won't have time to stop by on any laboratory. Chris managed to find a radio from an broken army vehicle. They're going to nuke the city. We have to evacuate to a pickup spot. We're finally getting out of here. Funny to think that ever since I woke up and opened my eyes under those angel statues, under the roof of Christian God's Sanctuary, I couldn't stop thinking that Chris was something more than just a police, and maybe he was sent here as a sign before the destruction of humanity. Naaah.

Umbrella Diaries 66Maanantai 05.01.2009 22:51

Monday, 5.1.2009

My saving diary,

It seems like Chris almost put a bullet in my head, but instead decided to knock me unconscious for more than a day. He dragged me into a nearest chapel and gave me full dose of the antidote. He used it all, just to save me. There's still a drop or two in the tube, I might be able to make more from the sample, but I still need to finish the vaccine until it can be used as a cure.

Funny to have sense of touch again. I checked from my diary what I've written, and I'm still wondering what I was thinking and writing.

Umbrella Diaries 65Lauantai 03.01.2009 16:11

Saturday, 3.1.2009

hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhooooooooooooooooopppppppppppeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ggggggggggggggggggggggoooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeeeeee bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Umbrella Diaries 64Perjantai 02.01.2009 17:06

Friday, 2.1.2009

mhfy hfugmle diryay,.,-

cnat't writhe wiwlel anymtohe . flalal totot lublrryr .kfiil ll all ll sseee. hehehelllp mmeme.. . .. . . . . . . . . . kfiii nneened heeheehheleeeellllppppppppppp............................................ whwowoo reeeadds thtis muusttt ghet hte vaayaccciiitnee toto lablbbyroraryrattororrory aanaann kii i l l l viirururssss heheehelp

Umbrella Diaries 63Torstai 01.01.2009 08:52

Thursday, 1.1.2009

Goth diary,

Poke hole in hand with knife. No feel thing. Blood stiff like jelly. I'm dead. Barely pulse. I like jelly. New Year. No rockets. No emergency flares. Nothing. Sucks.