


She said"I'm not the moment"

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Poor stupid mankindSunnuntai 08.04.2007 15:36

Again, here we go!:D
Star Wars-which character are you?
You scored as Anakin Skywalker.

You are Anakin Skywalker! You have many great powers, btu be careful you don't become too arrogant. You tend to break the rules a little bit too much and that may lead to your failure so be careful and may the force be with you. please rate this quiz. thanks.

Anakin Skywalker

(*mau mau mau mau-ma-mau mau-ma-mau..*)
which heroine are you most like?
You scored as Anna.

You are Anna from Van Helsing. you are brave and couragous, but you have to be to rid the world of your greatest enemy, before they rid of you. you have things in control


(Just you and me Wolverine!;D) (Can i still have my brother and Dracula too*me not greedy*)
What Mystcial Medieval race are you?!
You scored as Nymph.

You are a Nymph! A small little female creature who has overflowing beauty and lives to outwit men with her looks and slight mind control, although it often fails since everyone is aware of it.


(Who's a freakin' female creature!!!)
What Calvin & Hobbes character are you?
You scored as Calvin.

You are Calvin! You are an obnoxious little six-year-old who knows way too much to be getting Fs in school. You know how to have the best time playing, and can annoy adults to no end.


(Carita on varmaan Leevi, kun se minua aina kiusaa:P)
What CSI character are you?
You scored as Greg.

You are most like Greg Sanders! You tend to enjoy listening to music, but also know what you are doing. You are very funny, and like to set your eyes on the prize you can't get. Please rate this quiz!


What WWE hall of famer are you?\
You scored as Bret Hart.

Bret Hart

*I'm a canadian*
would you be a super hero, super hero's side kick, super villan, or super villan's side kick?
You scored as super villans side kick.

you are the super villan's side kick. you are timid yet evil and need a good long vacation

super villans side kick

(ja carita on super villan?)
which charmed character are you
You scored as piper.

your piper your married to leo and your a kick ass which


(*me gonna blow things up*)
What character from Charlie and the Chocolate Facotry are you?
You scored as Willy Wonka.

You are Willy Wonka the worlds greatest chocolet maker!

Willy Wonka
Which Discworld Character are you like
You scored as Death.

You are death! Reaper of souls! Riding your horse, Binky, with a scythe at hand. Always working, always busy… You sometimes try to socialize with the living, and ALWAYS SPEAK IN CAPITAL LETTERS.


*Et kai sinä laittanut ponia keittiöön?!* *EN. SEHÄN OLISI EPÄHYGIEENISTÄ. SE ON MAKUUHUONEESSA.*
What Popular Game Character Are You?
You scored as Mario.

You're Mario. You get the job done, and you eventually get the girl. Bowser and Warrio give you a hard time, but you somehow manage to always come out on top.


*mamma mia!*
You scored as daniel agger.

you're daniel agger, well on you're way to becoming a great defender. goal of the season candidate for that amazing strike against west ham

daniel agger
What The Matrix character are YOU?
You scored as Trinity.

You're the trinity? the one that cracked the IRS d base. That was a long time ago. Jesus. What? I thought that you were a guy. Most guys do.


*blah* hate Trinity...
What cool WWE superstar are you?
You scored as John Cena.

you're like john cena....u are like a rapper and iz hip hop kinda person

John Cena

*yo shit*
What guitarist would you be?
You scored as Emmpu Vuorinen of Nightwish.

You turned to be the best!Your guitar seems to be bewitched because it gives many people shivers of pleasure!

Emmpu Vuorinen of Nightwish

Which Buffy Villian Are You?!

You scored as Dark Willow.

You are Dark Willow! Your days of being a shy loner are long over, now that a total bastard killed your girlfriend you're out for revenge. Flaming balls of fire, ripping people's skin off telekinetically, its all a days work for you. And of course you have by far the coolest gothic fashion of all time. ROCK ON!!!

Dark Willow

*love killing geeks*
Which member of Tokyo Mew Mew are you?
You scored as Zakuro.

You are Mew Zakuro! A loner, you can be mean sometime and hurt other's feelings. You are famous, and you are also a bit selfish, but deep inside you care for others.

Horror-Scope: What Gothic Villian Are You?
You scored as Gremlin.

You are the Gremlin. You get into lots of trouble because you have a hard time sitting still for too long. You have more energy than you know what to do with and you live so much in the moment, you don't always think things out before you do them. Tomorrow, you will attempt a stunt that will backfire as so many of yours do. However, three hours later, you will try again and it will succeed beyond your expectations.

*jam jam*
What legendary weapon should you wield?
You scored as Claws.


*i will cut you*
What anime character are you?
You scored as Trunks.

You are Trunks, valiant and caring, all that matters are your friends, you become strong to protect, you and your father tend to but heads, but you show him, by launching him out to sea with your fist


*i WON'T cut my hair!* (*..yes mum..*)
WWE Are You
You scored as Shawn Michaels.

You Chose The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels

What Bad Ass Rock Legend Are you?
You scored as Billie Joe Armstrong.

You are Billie Joe Armstrong! Your a sell out fag who wears make up and bitchs about everythin! Even though Dookie does rock!

(bad ass rock legend?)
What WWE SuperStar are You? (newest WWE quiz)
You scored as Shawn Michaels.

Congrats. This is a realy honor. You scored as Shawn Michaels. He may be smaller than the rest, but he is the Show Stopper, The Heart Break Kid, Shawn Michaels. Former Heavyweight champ, European champ, Tag Champ, and Royal Rumble winner. You are a true Legend.

Shawn Michaels

:D enemmistö voittaa!
Which Major Arcana Tarot Card Are You?
You scored as XV: The Devil.

Despite its fearsome appearance, The Devil is a card of weakness. It is one of the few cards in the Tarot deck that almost always has negative connotations when it occurs in a reading. When the Devil appears in a Tarot spread it can represent lack of achievement through negative thoughts. It suggests character flaws such as greed, bitterness and authoritarianism. All these things can ultimately destroy a person. The rest of the Tarot spread will determine whether or not the querent will overcome their problems or continue blindly on.

XV: The Devil

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