


She said"I'm not the moment"

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stay my feeble heartKeskiviikko 11.04.2007 20:54

Which vampire from gothic fiction are you?
You scored as Lestat.

You are Lestat you are very feminine almost to the point of homo you are very sadistic and deserve death you are filled with hate and can not shapeshift not that you would want to any way


:P you're just jealous because i have Louis!
Which Warrior From The Trojan War Are You?
You scored as Achilles.

You are almost invincible, because as a baby, your mother dipped you in the River Styx, which makes people invincible. Your only weakness is that your mother held you by your heel when she dipped you, so your heel is not invincible. You get into a fight with Agamemnon, the Greek Supreme Commander of Fighting Forces, so you leave the Achaean army. But when your friend Patroclus gets killed in the fighting, you rejoin the fight and avenge him. Eventually, you get shot in the heel by Paris, and die.


*damn! me hot* :D
Marvel character Quiz
You scored as Wolverine.

What Iconic Movie Character Are You?
You scored as Darth Vader.

You are the Dark Lord of the Sith, powerful and evil. You always dominate everything, and woe to those who oppose you. You may have a good side buried deep within, but for now you rule with an iron fist. And you like it.

Darth Vader

*mau mau mau mau-ma-mau mau-ma-mau*
Harry Potter, who do you resemble most?
You scored as Snape.

Like Snape you can capture attention just by speaking because what you say is usually valid and your intelligence allows you to think of witty remarks instead of losing control. You may seems unfair but underneath you are loyal to your allies even if you don't get along.


*happy happy happy* hyvät prosentit!:D
what famous gothic guy would you go for
You scored as chris angel.81%

you would go for chris angel you like dark mystery types
who will kill you
You scored as Neo.

You will be killed by Neo...Don't let his trench coat foil you...he is fast and so will be your death..


*Me not MR.Smith!*
which band could u be in?
You scored as bullet for my valentine.70%

you are bullet for my valentine..gosh they are so great..i love u..marry me??
which desperate housewives character are you?
You scored as bree van de kamp.

bree van de kamp


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