
Little Story ISunnuntai 01.03.2009 21:13

He watched TV when suddenly he had stroke
never knew before what he had been suffering
Soon after he took a train to hospital and waited
Waited and blamed the fuzzy hospital for not taking
Not taking he to bed lying lonely down the hall
30 minutes and 17 seconds later doctor came for him
The doctor who came beneath him said: you are going to die
You are going to die in 10 minutes
Man yelled and cried when he suddenly woke up
Woke up in his bed at night wondering what is the time
Man looked his watch and it has stopped at 10 minutes later
10 minutes later 10 at night, he changed batteries and changed time
The time was 9 minutes before five in the night
He noticed that he had cried, ten minutes before
and in stroke he died, feeling alone.

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