
Little Story IIIMaanantai 02.03.2009 04:06

Roaming roads, eating asphalt mile to mile
Never had a place to stay
but always he prayed for better life to had
Old two bags were his only friends
With them his time he spent
Day to day without destination he walked,
even if the rain were started
He was lonely by present dayÂ’s standards
but that he never thought, he had his bags he loved
One lovely summer day he hiked
through hills he stumbled
Without purpose the lonely man walked
to these hills of green grass and dark rocks
While the road he has walking he saw one beautiful sight
Young daisy, bursting out of itÂ’s bud of a flower
Man asked where she was going, but got no answer
Daisy just yawned and continued walking
Man bathed in his frustration, but continued hiking
He was left alone and never saw daisy again
Only thing he earned was the disappointment
The drag of his friends, alone he walked through hills
and slept under bridge. Never asked no one again
the destination they went

Little Story IIMaanantai 02.03.2009 03:45

Never had cried, never knew how to love
Never had lied, never felt how to die
Never said hi, never enjoyed life
Never had a dream, never scream
Being trapped in side stiff body she laid
Body without emotion, without feel
Without the need of being real
Collapsed she had on her birthday of five
Five years old and five to go
People were talking about politics and god
but they never knew that how sheÂ’s thinking life to be odd
Powerless and without a hope she moved her finger
no one was realizing that she has fought against her will
to be proven the life in she is gone
Never felt how to die, before.

Little Story ISunnuntai 01.03.2009 21:13

He watched TV when suddenly he had stroke
never knew before what he had been suffering
Soon after he took a train to hospital and waited
Waited and blamed the fuzzy hospital for not taking
Not taking he to bed lying lonely down the hall
30 minutes and 17 seconds later doctor came for him
The doctor who came beneath him said: you are going to die
You are going to die in 10 minutes
Man yelled and cried when he suddenly woke up
Woke up in his bed at night wondering what is the time
Man looked his watch and it has stopped at 10 minutes later
10 minutes later 10 at night, he changed batteries and changed time
The time was 9 minutes before five in the night
He noticed that he had cried, ten minutes before
and in stroke he died, feeling alone.

<3Sunnuntai 22.02.2009 14:35

Oletko ihastunut juuri nyt ? - Olen

Seurusteletko juuri nyt ? - Kyllä

Jos et, haluaisitko ? - En haluis kenenkä muun kanssa

Oletko bi, homo, vai heteroseksuaali ? - bulletproof hetero

Onko sydämesi särkynyt joskus ? - Jep

Oletko sinä särkenyt jonkun sydämen ? - Luultavasti

Oletko itkenyt itsesi uneen jonkun ihmisen takia ? - En

Koska hän särki sydämesi ? - Njiet

Koska sinä teit jotain ? - Wha?

Rakastatko ketään tällä hetkellä? - Enemmän kun osaattekaan kuvitella

Oletko yrittänyt unohtaa jonkun kenestä välität paljon? - En

Oletko ollut ihastunut sinua nuorempaan ? - Jep :D

Sinua vanhempaan ? - Joskus

Viivini<3Torstai 19.02.2009 14:11

Nthrax sanoo:
viivi sanoo:
ton saat muuten huutaa
Nthrax sanoo:
viivi sanoo:
eiku et haluisit nähä mut
viivi sanoo:
no tonki
Nthrax sanoo:
viivi sanoo:

8Keskiviikko 04.02.2009 18:52


Aina ei tarvitse mennä pintaa syvemmälle. Etu- ja takapuolesi ovat yhtä valloittavia.

Wriiiiiiiiight! :D

Longer than ForeverTiistai 27.01.2009 01:18

When you are away I feel blue
If you are near I'll come for you

And I have always knew
you are the one I let through

Even against the stream I could row
To be together with you

You can trust me with this
it's more than true
I will always be in love with you

I want always to be with you
I shall hope that you want it too

You can trust me with this
it's more than true
I will always be in love with you

I have always been in love with you
and it's more than true

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 16.01.2009 05:34

Cheat on me:lle oon säveltäny myös kitarat, rummut, bassot ja synat.

Cheat on me Perjantai 16.01.2009 05:30

Win me
Benefit me
Fuck me
Hate me

If you are trying to kill me
I can't stop you, just fucking stab me
right in my heart
You carve flesh around my bone
Like always before

Blow me
Cheat me
Lie to me
Leave me

Youre almost half way through
so why won't you do it all the way
Are you afraid or just a coward
if youre doing nothing I'm just bored

Love me
Believe me
Honor me
Know me

Almost dead and you realize
what you have done
Crie, laugh, go nuts
You have been in love with me
and I have always been loving you

You know what to do

Leave me and go