


if she had wings she would fly away

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 22.01.2009 19:12

20.01.2009 20:55 <[]zkar> noi vaatteet näyttäis hyvältä mun sängyn päädyssä xD

tunnetusti oon peruskoulupoika-magneetti

erityisesti lämpesin sille, että sillä oli mun mekon kanssa yhteensopiva huone (ja siis sänky)! on se kiva kun sen äiti osaa sisustaa yhtä hyvin kun mä pukeudun. rispektit.

tai hei? oliko tää sittenkin jotai ihan sairaan irstasta ja mä en vaan älynny??
mitä hä? hei kaverit , nyt ei kaikki oo kunnos.

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 20.01.2009 20:31

"mä vien sut pois täältä jos sä kerrot vain nimesi, hyvää päivää mä olen herra heroiini"

FLIGHT OF THE CONCHORDSMaanantai 19.01.2009 23:00

When I'm on the mic
I'm like global warming
You can't ignore me
In the bedroom I'm the gentleman
All the ladies come before me
Check your yellow pages I'm a registered rhymenaecologist
Now I'm passing over the mic to the hiphop-potamus

Freestyle, hiphop-potamus you do some freestyling
I'm freestylin just on the microphone
On the bbc, on the bbc
i'm just basically making this shit up as I go along
Basically just free
Just basically from the top of my dome
Sometimes it's not so good

My rhymes are so potent that in this small segment
I made all the lady listeners pregnant
Yeah that's right, sometimes my lyrics are sexist
But you lovely bitches know, should know
I'm trying to correct this

magical bling bling!Sunnuntai 18.01.2009 22:04


Yo Frodo, what you doin’ wearing the ring?
All powerful jewelry, is that your new thing?
I know it’s hard when you’re little more than 3 foot 4
Your little ass so close to the floor.
Trying to lead the fellows to the gates of Mordor
The Fellowship!
(Yea the fellowship)
I don’t rap about bitches and hos,
I rap about witches and trolls,
just passing on the words of the Elven king,
Wisdom to all
Frodo! Don’t wear the ring!

SMILE EMPTY SOULTorstai 15.01.2009 14:16

H-HOLY SHITTorstai 01.01.2009 20:18

let's get upTorstai 25.12.2008 19:31

I'm not afraid to fall. it means i've climbed up high. To fall is not to fail, you fail if you don't try. i'm not afraid to fall, i might just learn how to fly. and i'll spread this wings of my, so come on.

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 01.12.2008 21:50

enjoy the small things in your life
- big ones never last

THE MORE I SEE, THE LESS I KNOWKeskiviikko 26.11.2008 17:48

(the more i like to let it go)

sk8er boy:DDMaanantai 24.11.2008 17:28