


ei oikein tiedä mitä tekis.

</3Sunnuntai 03.05.2009 22:02

There is something wrong
Theres a wall in between

Wait We cant fall now
We cannot leave all we have
I know it hurts and feels bad
We should stay and just fight back
We had it once all the way
The whole story
And it will hurt but I`d be glad to take the pain away

I've been trying to touch you the sweet way
You tried kissing me like the early days
But its all very cold
And it tears me apart
Yeah its too damn cold
But we just cant stop now

Wait We cant fall now
We cannot leave all we have
I know it hurts and feels bad
We should stay and just fight back
We had it once all the way
The whole story
And it will hurt but I`d be glad to take the pain away

Pain is a side of love we chose to live with, you know
After the rainy day the sun will shine, so...

Wait - We cant fall now
We cannot leave all we have
I know it hurts

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