


Taavin ja Konstan äippä!!

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 18.10.2008 01:34

1. I woke up on new morning I woke up on new day but I didn't know that the yesterday was the last day of your life
At the night shadows took you away at the night you left the world behind

Kerto: The last time that you feel the last time when you see the sky and feel the wind. The last sound that you hear was the sound of your fears it's your time to fly away

2. I don't know why you left me I just don't know why but I know I will never forget you
At the night shadows took you away at the night you left the world behind


The day when it's end was the day when you found heaven and you know that you are coming home.
The light that you see it is light of your drems and now you are in my memories

Kerto 2x

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