


...perfect drug for my inspiration... | .. on the road again

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 04.04.2008 02:24

Beautiful morning's breaking
Leaving us all behind
All of the gloomy faces
And all the truth we hide

Nail me up, crucify
I'm on my way to the freeway
Nail me up, testify
But none of your lies will hurt me no more

Strain the truth, print your lies
Let me fall into the other side
Bail me... Bail me out...of you!

Now that our life is wasted
There's no use to look behind
Only the burned down places
Reminds us of what we used to have

Nail me up,crucify
I'm on my way to the freeway
Nail me up,testify
But none of your lies will hurt me no more

Strain the truth, print your lies
Let me fall into the other side
Bail me out and I'll be gone
Fading out of your soul
I won't be there for you anymore
So, bail me... bail me out...of you!

Nail me up,crucify
I'm on my way to the freeway
Nail me up, testify
Your lies will hurt me no more
Now that our life is wasted
There's no use to look behind

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